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Thread: MISC Part Measurements

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    MISC Part Measurements

    Been planning to make a thread for measurements on parts for a while. I'll try to keep the first couple posts as a sort of index to posts. Feel free to post measurements/images too. Probably best to do one post per part to make it somewhat easy to find. Preference is accurate measurements from a caliper or similar tool, but rough measurements with a tape measure won't be turned down =).

    If there's a measurement you could use for a part I have, post or pm me for it. If I still have the part I'll grab the measurement.
    Last edited by ps2fixer; 12-18-2018 at 12:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    1984 TRX200 Dash

    Choke cable mounts in the center.
    Ignition switch hole is 32.1mm (larger size like atc250es/sx uses)
    Handle bar bolt width pattern is 100mm by 32mm
    Upper cover bolt holes are 60mm apart
    Neutral/Reverse light housing screw holes are about 55mm apart at an angle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20181217_231103_191.jpg   IMG_20181217_231116_190.jpg  

  3. #3
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    Apr 2012
    86-88 TRX200SX (photos are of an 86)
    86-87 ATC125M

    Bolt holes to mount the dash are 100mm apart
    Ignition switch hole is around 26.5mm (this one is worn a bit so a little hard to be sure what the size is exactly)
    Neutral/Reverse light housing screws are 40mm apart
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20181217_232351_047.jpg   IMG_20181217_232403_703.jpg  

  4. #4
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    Apr 2012
    1979-1980 ATC110 Stator/Alternator
    PN: 31102-943-004

    Power output spec 6V 43w @ 6,000 RPM (Machine uses 6V 25W headlight + 6V 3W tail light no voltage regulator)

    Overall diameter - 130mm
    Mounting bolt pattern has 6 holes, the ATC110 used 3 of them. Measuring straight across center to center it's 114mm, going from one bolt to another how it was mounted on the 110, it's about 98.8mm.
    Hole for the rotor is roughly 80.65mm
    Thickness where the bolts go though - 18mm
    Bolt hole size - 6.55mm
    Wire length - about 6in from the grommet (152mm)

    Markings of interest: 37000, 0950 9H

    Wire connectors
    Yellow - 3.5mm Bullet Female
    Black - 3.5mm Bullet Double Female

    As tested with my multi-meter
    Yellow to Ground - 0.3ohm
    Black to Ground - 3.7ohm

  5. #5
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    Apr 2012
    33700-965-003 Tail Light Assembly

    84-86 ATC200S
    83-85 ATC200X
    83-86 ATC250R
    85-86 ATC350X

    Bolt hole mounting width - ~170mm (caliper doesn't go this big)
    outer lip of light chamber (width) - 151.6mm
    outer lip of light chamber (height) - 41.2mm
    white plastic overall height - 51mm
    white plastic overall width - 198mm

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    This will be a work in progress. Edited multiple times.

    Parts marked !!!!!!! Indicate my part was damaged a difficult to read/measure. DO NOT accept my information on these AND anyone who KNOWS, please chime in and help me get it correct.

    I also have a difficult time measuring worn out O-rings. I've noticed some commonality in several. I just imagine the wear is giving me different readings BUT there's very few actual size variations.

    Engine serial number- TBO5E-5164794

    200E bottom end seals & bearings

    ***Sub transmission cover***
    ---Bearing - NTN-6202-Japan-KS-----OD=35mm ID=15mm Width=11mm
    ---Bearing - NTN-6203-Japan-JU------OD=40mm ID=17mm Width=12mm
    ---Shift drum seal - E17-SD-12-22-5-----OD=22mm ID=12mm Width=5mm

    ***Left side case cover***
    ---Main Seal - FPJ-45-60-9-HS-85-----OD=60mm ID=45mm Width=9mm
    !!!!!---Neutral indicator shaft seal-----NGK-17 OD=16mm ID=8mm Width=6.5mm!!!!

    ***Left side case spacer***
    ---Bearing - Japan-KX-NTN-6302-----OD=42mm ID=15mm Width=13mm
    ---Seal - A13-SD-36-50-9-HS-----OD=50mm ID=36mm Width=9mm
    !!!!!!!!O-ring ----- OD=13mm ID=11mm Width=2mm!!!!!!!
    ---Inspection/timing plug O-ring ----- OD=24mm ID=18mm Width=3mm

    ***Left side crankshaft bolt***
    --- O-ring ----- OD=11mm ID=8mm Width=2mm

    ***Right side case cover***
    ---Bearing - NTN-japan JU-6203 ----- OD=40mm ID=17mm Width=12mm
    ---O-ring for dipstick ----- OD=24mm ID=18mm Width=3mm
    ---O-ring for clutch adjuster ----- OD=11mm ID=8mm Width=2.5mm
    Last edited by Gabriel; 01-16-2019 at 10:03 AM.
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    200E Bottom continued...

    Repeating myself, These o-rings are difficult to measure because of the sad shape they are in. Do not take the measurements as absolute fact.

    ***Clutch Basket Bearing***
    ---Koyo - Japan - 16003 OD=35mm ID=17mm Width=8mm

    ***Oil Centrifuge O-ring***
    ---OD=20mm ID=17mm Width=2mm

    ***Left Side Main Case***
    ---Bearing - NTN-Japan-6202Z OD=35mm ID=15mm Width=11mm
    ---Bearing - Japan-JU-NTN-TM?204 -? Could be a B or an 8, I cannot tell- OD=47mm ID=20mm Width=14mm
    ---Seal - HS-A3-SD-30-40-9 OD=40mm ID=30mm Width=9mm
    ---Seal - N17-SD-14-28-7-A OD=28mm ID=14mm Width-7mm
    ---O-ring for oil passageway to sub-transmission OD=12mm ID=7mm Width=2mm !!!Very difficult to read, crushed flat.
    ---O-ring for Neutral light switch OD=10mm ID=7.5mm Width=2mm

    ***Right side main case***
    —-Bearing- JU-INA-NTN-HK-1512V2 Od=21mm ID=15mm Width=11.9mm
    —-Bearing- Japan-NSK-6006 OD=55mm ID=30mm Width=13mm

    ***OIl Pump O-Rings***
    —-OD=14.5mm ID=9.5mm Width=2mm

    ***Crankshaft bearings***
    —-Japan-KA-NTN-63/28 VII - OD=68mm ID=28mm Width=18mm

    ***Starter Gear Cage Bearing***
    --- OD= 26.0mm ID= 20.00mm Width= 16.65mm

    ***Pulse Rotor Spacer***
    ---Seal K14S-15-25-7
    OD=25mm ID=15mm Width=7mm
    Last edited by Gabriel; 02-16-2019 at 07:47 PM.
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Might be worth while posting the year of the 200e, the 82 could be different from the 83, unless you ran though the part numbers to validate they are identical. Grabbing the engine number would probably validate the year better than the frame since the engines are swapped around fairly often.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Ok. Added that to original post. Anyone know how to determine exact year? The frame it was removed from had no neck sticker.....well, not enough left to read.
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Grab the engine number
    82 should be TB05E-50xxxxx
    83 should be TB05E-51xxxxx

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Ok. That should be every seal and bearing in the bottom end except the rod bearing. Haven’t had a chance to press that apart yet.
    Only other thing I missed was the drain plug O-ring. Not a difficult item to get so...

    Now, to start getting new ones and get this engine built.
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Added a seal and a bearing I missed!
    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  13. #13
    BarnBoy is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Ok. That should be every seal and bearing in the bottom end except the rod bearing. Haven’t had a chance to press that apart yet.
    Only other thing I missed was the drain plug O-ring. Not a difficult item to get so...

    Now, to start getting new ones and get this engine built.
    Very helpful....thanks for posting!!
    1984 HONDA ATC200M - OG, mid-restoration
    1981 HONDA ATC200 - future build
    1981 HONDA ATC185S - parts
    1984 ATC200X - roller, future build
    1984 Honda ATC250r - in a million pieces- ISO grab bar, PM if you have one

    Da velder

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    BigRedMark over at Just Big Reds forum said I could post this link.

    VERY good info. Decal locations for the 200ES. Not just locations but actual MEASUREMENTS. Awesome. This will get updated from time to time until complete.
    Thank you Mark.

    I was born and raised on Venus & I may be here a while.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I think we tried something similar before, gotta find a better way to keep it organized or it's a cluster fluck...

    PS2, you're good with Data/speadsheets!
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

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