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Thread: newbie...first post...200x atc110

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    boosted96cobra's Avatar
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    newbie...first post...200x atc110

    Just wanted to say hello. I'm Sage and the proud owner of a 85 200x I bought the other day. Picked it up for $350. Got it home and tore the carb off and dismanteled it and let it soak overnight (wouldn't stay running) and cleaned everything and now it runs like a dream.

    I attached a picture of it right when I got it home. Issues that have been fixed so far, the seat was torn and my wife re vylned it for me tonight. It also had no muffler but a friend of mine had an old one from his 250R that I got to work. I had no brakes at all but I added fluid and bled the rear and it works perfect. I also just got back inside fron painting the handle bars and the tank.

    Issues I found tonight: rear sproket is loose, the chain is very loose. The swing arm adjustment (I hope the chain also LOL) seems way off and was missing the nut on the one side. I have no lights at all, not sure if it is the switch or a power problem but the bulb looked o.k. I have not tried to get into the lights yet just looked it over.

    Parts I need: My rear shock is most likely blown. Front plastic is completly ruined. The front light looks horrible. My front brake fluid reservoir is broken so I need the front brake assembly. I also have a wierd issue if I ride it on the road (when it has full traction, not in the snow) is the front wants to sway back and forth. I put it up on a jack stand and spun the front wheel and all seems fine there. To me it really acts like the back end is pushing it around. It doesn't hop or bounce at all like a bent axle or wheel would act, I just hope something is loose.

    Some background: You can prolly tell by the name I'm big into cars. Right now I have a vortech'd 96 cobra. It's clean, full leather and a/c and runs the best of 11.91 on slicks in the utah air. Before that I had a supercharged 87 5.0 and a 92 5.0. Right before that I did alot of the honda import thing. My last was a mid 12 89 turbo hatch. I was big into the import thing since 98 or so, worked at a few shops and such. Kinda glad I still had some of my old bolts around for the 200x and the 110 lol. I have always loved hondas for their simplicity and reliability.

    Most of my friends and even neibors are big into atv's. Most have banshees and one has a quadzilla. I have honestly tried to stay as far away from it as possible because I already have an expensive car hobby and last summer we also bought a boat, but for xmas the wife suggested getting my 7 year old a 4wheeler. So we got him a cheap yamoto 50cc 2 weeks before xmas. Then a week later I showed her an old 82 atc110 a few miles away listed for $200. She said get it so we went and grabbed it for $160. I had to clean the carb on this one too. I think right now being winter this 110 is by far the funnest bike we have. What a blast. It burns alot of oil though so I dunno how long it will last.

    I know here I'll prolly get alot of flack for the chinese atv, but whatever you hear about them is probobly right. Total peices of crap. The bolts they use are garbage, the welds are horrible. The suspension is the worst part, the 110 takes bumps better. Going from working his bike over (loose bolts and all that crap) then going to these hondas is insane. These bikes are 85 and 82 and are still better working order than his 04 that had been riden maybe 10 times total before we got it. The worst part is the the stupid auto tranny. It doesn't matter how far you can "limit" the throttle, if it is going downhill it will shift and keep going faster no matter what. On flat ground with me on it (6'0 190) at my dad's (6200 feet elevation) I had this thing going WAAAAY faster than I ever want to go on a small atv. I guess it does have alot of power for a 50cc, more than double that any of the newer even cheaper 110 they sell for $395 or whatever, but power isn't something you want on a mini for your 7 year old. I have been looking for a decent 70 atc or maybe on alder honda 4wheelr for him.

    Anyways sorry for the novel, just thought I'd get it all on the table.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1226071057.jpg   1231071407.jpg  

  2. #2
    edog's Avatar
    edog is offline I'm like an Original Gangsta...but a post whore instead. The day begins with 3WW
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    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
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    to the site and enjoy your stay..Feel free to ask as many questions as you want..and check out our search feature..as your questions may have been asked before.. ENJOY!

  4. #4
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    hola gringo!!! man....these 200x's are everywhere!! I think honda made an extra 20000 units then dumped them out of planes in remote feilds and barns for everyone to find

  5. #5
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    Sortof like the easter bunny's egg hunt. They are everywhere
    1986 ATC 250r
    1985 ATC 250r
    1985 X2 ATC 70's
    1985 XL 80

    If you have bought or sold with me please leave feedback.

  6. #6
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    To the boards. This website is very helpful when someone needs help on their 3 wheeler..... Enjoy your stay!!! Maybe you should Get rid of that chinese quad and give him the 110 since the quad is going faster than you want him too. Just my opinion.


    All things 3 wheel

  7. #7
    ATCT is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Welcome, man! Looks like you picked up a couple of decent trikes for the money.

    Not sure how aware you are of parts and whatnot, but you can easily pick up a new front fender from Maier. As far as the rear shock and other parts are concerned, you can either check eBay or place a WTB (want to buy) ad in the classified section here on the boards and I'm sure some member has an extra they'd be willing to sell.

    All in all, don't be afraid to ask questions here. There's a ton of really knowledgeable people here on the boards.

    And just because the 110 is smoking/burning oil doesn't mean it's toast. A quick rebuild should be able to solve the problem and get it running good as new again. Those Hondas will run forever.

    Oh, and you should be able to find a fairly inexpensive ATC70 for your son.
    1984 Honda ATC250R

  8. #8
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    But the zinger 60 is faster....lol

  9. #9
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    ... another stang owner

    mines not as built up as your but i got a nice 94gt

    gota love the sn-95 style
    80s......185 atc, Yamaha tri-moto 200, 85 200x with tons of work
    90s......89 Suzuki quad racer 250 (raced 250 A class for 6 years, late 90s.. custom framed 250x with long travel shocks and a built 350x motor.... built Honda 110
    00s...... chomeoly framed 350 RX with all the goodies (thanks to my bro)
    2012.....Replaced the 350x motor for a 444cc YZ426

  10. #10
    boosted96cobra's Avatar
    boosted96cobra is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Quote Originally Posted by 225DX DUDE View Post
    To the boards. This website is very helpful when someone needs help on their 3 wheeler..... Enjoy your stay!!! Maybe you should Get rid of that chinese quad and give him the 110 since the quad is going faster than you want him too. Just my opinion.

    The 110 is the wifes and I got my 11 year old daughter riding it now too. It's just too big for my son. The guy I got my 200x from actually had a 70 but I think he wanted too much for it when it wasn't running.

    Thanx for all the welcomes!

    Sorry I have no idea what "But the zinger 60 is faster....lol" is supposed to mean???

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by boosted96cobra View Post
    The 110 is the wifes and I got my 11 year old daughter riding it now too. It's just too big for my son. The guy I got my 200x from actually had a 70 but I think he wanted too much for it when it wasn't running.

    Thanx for all the welcomes!

    Sorry I have no idea what "But the zinger 60 is faster....lol" is supposed to mean???
    just stating that the yamaha yt60 3 wheeler is a zippy little bike

  12. #12
    wad's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site dude

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sykolincoln View Post
    hola gringo!!! man....these 200x's are everywhere!! I think honda made an extra 20000 units then dumped them out of planes in remote feilds and barns for everyone to find
    Now thats funny!
    Welcome aboard Bro! Now don't be surprised if you have that dragster of yours up for sale soon to support your 3 wheeler habit.... I'm not sure what it is exactly, but man are these things additive!!

  14. #14
    Tri-Z Pilot's Avatar
    Tri-Z Pilot is offline Check my feedback before buying from me Got the holeshot
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    Welcome bud! I'm not sure what it is either, but I'm selling my 83 pony and gettin back into trikes after a couple year hiatus.
    Current Rides-Soon to be 85 350X, 84 200X
    86 250SX 85 Tri-Z (yellow) 85 Tri-Z (silver) 86 200x 01 Blaster 99 Blaster 85 ATC250R 86 ATC250ES 84 Tri-Zinger 60 ATC500R Project
    Originally Posted by atctim
    I prefer to be called a "3 wheeled American" I find the term "Trike People" very offensive and derogatory!

  15. #15
    boosted96cobra's Avatar
    boosted96cobra is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Quote Originally Posted by Threes company View Post
    Now thats funny!
    Welcome aboard Bro! Now don't be surprised if you have that dragster of yours up for sale soon to support your 3 wheeler habit.... I'm not sure what it is exactly, but man are these things additive!!
    Man your not kidding....right now we are at a 1 bike per week average..LOL. Problem is we both just got paid too.....

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