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Thread: 86 350x help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Franklin NY

    86 350x help

    i got one of the complete head setups on stealbay and the only thing i see missing is the pin for the decompressor to hold it in the valve cover. i am also missing this on the head that came with my 350x... witch is why i got it so cheap. the guy said the motor was locked up... all that was wrong is that the decompressor cam pushed in to far and held the rocker witch made it so he couldnt turn it over.

    well any way. does any one know of something that can replace it? or have one close to NY that would be willing to part with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Franklin NY
    would a roll pin hold up to it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    There is no load on that pin whatsoever....

    I'd get a metric dowel pin if I could, but otherwise, a piece of metric drill rod could work too. I'd just make certain that it was long enough to do the job, and not so long as to interfere with the decomp cam not being smooth.
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Franklin NY
    that is kinda what i was thinking. i should be able to find something at work to do it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i have bought those pins from honda not too long ago and i think they are only a few bucks each.

    i know a guy who tried to use a nail instead of the hardened pin.....it was not a good idea.
    80s......185 atc, Yamaha tri-moto 200, 85 200x with tons of work
    90s......89 Suzuki quad racer 250 (raced 250 A class for 6 years, late 90s.. custom framed 250x with long travel shocks and a built 350x motor.... built Honda 110
    00s...... chomeoly framed 350 RX with all the goodies (thanks to my bro)
    2012.....Replaced the 350x motor for a 444cc YZ426

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