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Thread: Metal Recycling????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Crestview, Florida

    Metal Recycling????

    I've been saving old A/C coils for 2 years now and Today i started stripping them and seperating the metals. My question is, is there an easy way to seperated the aluminum fins from the copper coils. My dang fingers are blistered from twisting those dang fines off with pliers.
    The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

    85 ATC350X
    85 ATC200X

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Grosse Tete, LA
    I used a jig saw and a saber saw when i was little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I cut the steel off and cash in the whole coils. They call it a copper/alum mix and the last ones I cashed in where 1.80$ a pound....
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  4. #4
    300rman's Avatar
    300rman is offline My other user 3WW ID was Nitebiker07. Teaching quads a lesson
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    make sure you call ahead first, steel is WAY down, so i imagine other metals are too. . hold onto it until you can get good coin for it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    overton, PA
    yeah changing prices are so down right now itsw horrible! but i have just used a and beat it allinto submission!
    ok here goes, 85 atc70,2 84 atc70's 83 alt50,83 atc110 , 70 us 90 parot green, 85/86 350x garage queen, stock rider 85 350x, project 85 350x 85 250r drag bike, 2 85 250sx's, alt185, , scat tracker?99blaster,85 250r rider,85 250r ice racer project ,93 kx500,99 xr200r, 91 dr250s ,89 lt500 quadzilla,88 lt250quadracer, 88 trx250r race full on race quad,, 01 yamahakodiak400, kawaki kd100,lt50 for my doughters,93 300ex, 230 quadsport, lt185, lt250 quadrunner,84200s, is that enough?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    N.E. Ohio
    Scap will come back by fall...The Mills are offline right now and will crank it backup in a few months. So the scrap dealers are sitting on inventory. November thru January usually holds the highest scrap prices.

  7. #7
    4Q2 is offline First Time Rider Arm chair racerNew to the board
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    Jul 2008
    When stripping loomy fins from copper pipe I use a pair of snips, cut one side of the fins all the way down the pipe, then go back with pliers and a lil twist and they should fall off. People use to look at me crazy when id throw all that copper brass and loomy scraps in my truck and laugh, now there all saving it too.

    I use to get wood for free all the time now people think its gold since oil is up.

    This is turning into a 3rd world country,, im thinking about bringing the rickshaw back

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