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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Gordon, I am jealous jealous jealous!!

    But, you seem to be a very humble and nice guy so I'll just be happy for you

    Another great build and THANK GOD they are all HONDA'S
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirtcrasher View Post

    Another great build and THANK GOD they are all HONDA'S
    explain your reasoning for that quote

    great builds. gotta appreciate all of the time/effort/cash that goes into all of these.

    Do you do all of the work yourself?
    1986 Tri-z
    1985 250r
    1985 200s
    1985 70[/SIZE]

  3. #18
    sgp56's Avatar
    sgp56 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Dallas, Tx
    Man those are SWEET! I really like that SUPER SHINY pipe it has. All you people are crazy who says they would just have it to look at. I would look at it for a bit then get bored then ride those suckaz!!
    1985 Suzuki ALT185 (sold)
    2000 Honda XR100R (FOR SALE!!)
    2004 Suzuki JR80
    1983 Honda 200X(gonna ride it till it dies)
    1989 Yamaha Blaster(sold)
    1984 Suzuki LT125

  4. #19
    edog's Avatar
    edog is offline I'm like an Original Gangsta...but a post whore instead. The day begins with 3WW
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgp56 View Post
    Man those are SWEET! I really like that SUPER SHINY pipe it has. All you people are crazy who says they would just have it to look at. I would look at it for a bit then get bored then ride those suckaz!!
    When you have that kind of money you have the luxury of not riding them.

  5. #20
    250rfan's Avatar
    250rfan is offline Sickest custom 450R ever. Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeePa View Post
    explain your reasoning for that quote

    great builds. gotta appreciate all of the time/effort/cash that goes into all of these.

    Do you do all of the work yourself?

    Ye ,

    Just myself in the garage usually , sometimes the dogs pop in for a nosey , but i do mostly everthing apart from machining work as i dont have a lathe, also the powder coating and re zinc coating of all the bolts/nuts/washers ect. when am not in the garage am scouring ebay and trike forums for the parts i need for the next project

    Thanks for the complements guys,


    1986 ATC 70
    1985 ATC 250R - Hondaline Special
    1985 ATC 250R - Flat Track 'Privateer'
    1985 ATC 250R - HRC 450RR.
    1986 ATC 250R - HRC Flat Track.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (CT 350 PV) N/F cr500 link.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    1999 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    2016 Yamaha Laeger's Banshee YFZ 350 (DRI 350) N/F cr500 link.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Tionesta, PA
    GOOD GOD MAN!!!!!!! Very nice collection indeed. you my friend are the R master
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  7. #22
    sbjones73's Avatar
    sbjones73 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    wow, very nice looking!!!!!!!! i think that when i get my 84 250r done i will be looking for a water cooled 250r, and could only wish it would look like that one

    great job!!!!!!!!!!!
    84 250r gone,
    87 suzuki lt250r trail machine, gone to fund ice racer,
    85 250r ice racing project started !!!!!!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Glendale, AZ
    That's what I wanted to see! Very, very nice collection, beautiful job.
    1985 ATC 250R
    1985 CR500R
    2000 CR500R

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    overton, PA
    ahhhhhhhhhhh whats next a cbr1100xx powered r for the street? you never cease to amaze me with your skill. looks awesome and i would run them on the ice here in pa and ny they dont get dirty that way.
    ok here goes, 85 atc70,2 84 atc70's 83 alt50,83 atc110 , 70 us 90 parot green, 85/86 350x garage queen, stock rider 85 350x, project 85 350x 85 250r drag bike, 2 85 250sx's, alt185, , scat tracker?99blaster,85 250r rider,85 250r ice racer project ,93 kx500,99 xr200r, 91 dr250s ,89 lt500 quadzilla,88 lt250quadracer, 88 trx250r race full on race quad,, 01 yamahakodiak400, kawaki kd100,lt50 for my doughters,93 300ex, 230 quadsport, lt185, lt250 quadrunner,84200s, is that enough?

  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Houston, Texas
    GULP....those are so hot!


    1986 ATC 250r, 1986 Tri Z, 1990 LT 500R "Quadzilla"


    1994 KTM 550 MXC (yes its a two stroke...66 hp stock!)
    1988 Yamaha DT

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Frewsburg NY
    nice collection Gordon. Are they hiring at your employer? I dont even want to put up picks of my R build now.

  12. #27
    250rfan's Avatar
    250rfan is offline Sickest custom 450R ever. Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny's X View Post
    nice collection Gordon. Are they hiring at your employer? I dont even want to put up picks of my R build now.

    Hey Dude,

    How are you getting on with your build?

    Last edited by 250rfan; 06-06-2009 at 05:34 AM.

    1986 ATC 70
    1985 ATC 250R - Hondaline Special
    1985 ATC 250R - Flat Track 'Privateer'
    1985 ATC 250R - HRC 450RR.
    1986 ATC 250R - HRC Flat Track.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (CT 350 PV) N/F cr500 link.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    1999 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    2016 Yamaha Laeger's Banshee YFZ 350 (DRI 350) N/F cr500 link.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Frewsburg NY
    hopefull that my pegs are done today. The friend building them was at the Syracuse Nationals all weekend. I am taking a ride over there today to check out progress. Its a slow build for sure but I want it perfect and I want it the why I want it. I dont want to settle for some abused parts. I will have some picks within the next couple of weeks here. 2 passports,leaving in moments notice,mathmatics, I got all those in the bag. Dont know to much about oil rigs though. Maybe I will stick to insurance....Money is not bad here either...lol

  14. #29
    250rfan's Avatar
    250rfan is offline Sickest custom 450R ever. Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny's X View Post
    hopefull that my pegs are done today. The friend building them was at the Syracuse Nationals all weekend. I am taking a ride over there today to check out progress. Its a slow build for sure but I want it perfect and I want it the why I want it. I dont want to settle for some abused parts. I will have some picks within the next couple of weeks here. 2 passports,leaving in moments notice,mathmatics, I got all those in the bag. Dont know to much about oil rigs though. Maybe I will stick to insurance....Money is not bad here either...lol
    Ye, oil rigs are crap, your better of at home with the family every night.....

    Okay, are you replacing the springs/pins/washers & split pin on your pegs to new
    ones?, reason am asking is i need 2 sets of everything for my brothers 86 250R.

    I can't get new parts from honda, well not for the 85/86 atc, am wonder if you have tried 86 trx 250r.

    Am waiting on new swingarm bearings to be delivered then i can mount the swinger. Mounted the sprocket onto the axel today, and tried to get some stainless cap screws for the hubs - no joy, so i'll have to try again tomorrow.

    Looked out the front end, washed the fork gators, now i have to get hold of a complete 86 rear brake assembly, well 2 actualy.
    Last edited by 250rfan; 07-22-2008 at 08:08 PM.

    1986 ATC 70
    1985 ATC 250R - Hondaline Special
    1985 ATC 250R - Flat Track 'Privateer'
    1985 ATC 250R - HRC 450RR.
    1986 ATC 250R - HRC Flat Track.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (CT 350 PV) N/F cr500 link.
    1998 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    1999 Honda Laegers TRX 250R (Sparks 330) N/F cr500 link.
    2016 Yamaha Laeger's Banshee YFZ 350 (DRI 350) N/F cr500 link.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Frewsburg NY
    I have been trying to find some place around here that will refinish all the bolts for me but iam coming up with nothing. I may have to send them to you Gordon. Whats the cost to have them done?

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