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Thread: project 350 Update Progress has been made

  1. #31
    andnuaa's Avatar
    andnuaa is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Cool A little update

    Here is a little update of what I have done this week to the 350. I got the handlebars mounted and most of the controls. I also did some polishing and I finally got the holes drilled out of the front fender and mounted it. My next task will be the front forks so can anyone point me in the right direction to find new fork seals and what kind of fork oil should I use I would really appreciate the help. And that's all for now

  2. #32
    Brad200X's Avatar
    Brad200X is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    What's the name of that color? It looks like the color I plan to paint my Bug, Rallye green, but that was a color used by Cadillac in the fifties or sixties, not Jag.

  3. #33
    AJZ_200X's Avatar
    AJZ_200X is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    hows the project going? Post up some more pics when you get time! That thing is coming along nice.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Great bike! What switch assembly are you using? Is that new OEM or new from another model?

    86 350X - Full Restomod
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  5. #35
    andnuaa's Avatar
    andnuaa is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Wink project 350

    First I want to thank everybody for all the compliments I do appreciate them. Brad200X as for the color I was just going by what the paint guy told me when I bought it he might have not known what he was talking about who knows . AJZ_200X I will get more up when I put my front forks on which I still need to sand and polished so it might be a little while. And 350Kris for the switches I believe they might be off another model because they didn't have the two wires for the speedometer to plug-in to like the original ones have. And if someone can help me out and tell me where can I get fork seals and what kind of fork oil should I use. Thanks again for all the compliments

  6. #36
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    I personaly love and use the Leak Proof Pro-Moly Leak Proof Fork Seals from dennis kirk. they are only 27$ but i have never had one leak on me if correctly instaled. as for the oil, i use valvoline transmision fluid and that seems to work great. but what ever works for you

  7. #37
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    Your fork oil really depends on your riding style. Have you looked into progressive fork springs for the front end. I've been seriously thinking about a set for my 350x when I decide to do the front forks. I really like running them in my street bikes. If you like your forks to return to thier normal stance very fast use a light fork oil. If you like your forks to return a little slower to their normal stance and not "top out" so much use a medium weight fork oil and if you like your fork returns dampened nice and slow use a heavy fork oil. And some of the fork oil bottles I've seen say "light", "medium" and "heavy" right on the bottle. I like a more medium to heavy fork oil myself but my 350x is mainly a trail bike and I don't need lightning fast fork movement.

  8. #38
    andnuaa's Avatar
    andnuaa is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Vealmonkey I have kind of looked at the progressive fork springs but wasn't sure how much better they are compared to the original ones and I didn't want to just spend the money on fork springs and not be happy with them so if anybody has them installed in their 350 how do you like them compare to the original ones?

  9. #39
    edog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andnuaa View Post
    Vealmonkey I have kind of looked at the progressive fork springs but wasn't sure how much better they are compared to the original ones and I didn't want to just spend the money on fork springs and not be happy with them so if anybody has them installed in their 350 how do you like them compare to the original ones?
    I am getting them. I have heard nothing but good things about them.

    With them it will be allot harder to bottom them out.....unless your 400 LBS
    Last edited by edog; 12-30-2008 at 09:08 PM.

  10. #40
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    Bump for a nice build. And for where to buy progressive springs.

  11. #41
    andnuaa's Avatar
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    Nothing really has happened yet I've been too busy getting some parts for the 250r which I will be updating later this week hopefully. Goat you can get progressive springs from Dennis Kirk or eBay



  12. #42
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    the 250r!!!! that can wait dude 350x's look way sicker, and yours doesnt look like its gonna dissapoint, so get back to it.

  13. #43
    andnuaa's Avatar
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    Well not much has happened I just got the rear axle in and one tire mounted. I still have to order the rear axle nut and paint the break rotor to be able to mount the other tire. I also want to thank shawn (sblt500r) for hooking me up with some 350x goodies. Well that's it for now I'll get more pics up when I get my rear shock polish and mounted

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    nice color man
    i cant wait to see the other pics when finished!

  15. #45
    andnuaa's Avatar
    andnuaa is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Cool ''

    Well here's an update on what I got done today (not much) put the new axle nut on along with the new break bracket that I won on eBay. I also got my exhaust in the mail today which I would like to mount pretty soon. So let me know what you guys think so far


    Last edited by andnuaa; 02-23-2009 at 11:14 PM.

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