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Thread: Lets see your lifted trucks

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    British Columbia, Canada
    It's not a truck... but it's lifted.

    4" on 33's. I want to move up to 35's when money allows and go up another inch all the way around.

    Last edited by TwoHundredEx; 09-29-2007 at 12:51 AM.
    [b]'83 200X-
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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    '47 Dodge

    Here's a pic of a '47 Dodge Power Wagon I built up ,it had a 383 ,Torqueflite 727 tranny with a 3500 stall,with Dana Militaries on it,and 46 " tractor tire's,but me and my buddie did some trading and he took it over.He has since put a 440 ,64" tractor tire's ,and ton's more on it..We have a huge" Got Mud" club.Check out the site you guy's would love it, http://www.gotmud4x4.com since ya like Big Truck's..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails honda atc_0999.JPG  
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandpuppi101 View Post
    Here's a pic of a '47 Dodge Power Wagon I built up ,it had a 383 ,Torqueflite 727 tranny with a 3500 stall,with Dana Militaries on it,and 46 " tractor tire's
    Dude man, that thing is awesome, hats off to you.

    nice trucks guys, making me jealous keep em commin!
    85 Tecate, 2002 Honda 300EX, 83 & 84 250R, a bunch of honda 4 strokes from 90 to 200cc, a klt 110, ytm 200, polaris 250 cyclone, '05 Roketa 125 (cheap chinese pitbike to beat on), '69 Scrambler 6x6, and a 52 John Deere B (hey its a rowcrop narrow front, that counts right? )
    Trike Fest 06 and 07 Survivor, hoping to make it to 2010

  4. #19
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    Here is my 78. It's not extremely lifted like most guys have, but it's driven daily and has been for 11 years. It has to be relatively easy to get into.

  5. #20
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    This is my wife's daily driver; a '04 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 2.5" lift running 32s. When I migrated to 3wheelers a couple years ago, she stayed in the off road crowd. It's really cool to watch her drive her Jeep off road. Most people underestimate it's capabilities. It is very stout. Right now it's limiting factor is lift, I gotta get the body up off the rocks so it doesn't high center too much.

    This picture is from our Jeep clubs big annual event, Megarun. She's beginning her run on the rock garden.
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccdhowell View Post
    This is my wife's daily driver; a '04 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 2.5" lift running 32s. When I migrated to 3wheelers a couple years ago, she stayed in the off road crowd. It's really cool to watch her drive her Jeep off road. Most people underestimate it's capabilities. It is very stout. Right now it's limiting factor is lift, I gotta get the body up off the rocks so it doesn't high center too much.

    This picture is from our Jeep clubs big annual event, Megarun. She's beginning her run on the rock garden.
    Gotta luv it!!!

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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bondoboy View Post
    Here is my 78. It's not extremely lifted like most guys have, but it's driven daily and has been for 11 years. It has to be relatively easy to get into.
    Love that truck!! some day I will have a 67-72 gmc with the duel round headlights that color!
    Last edited by Bryan Raffa; 10-04-2007 at 06:37 AM.

  8. #23
    kwbyfrmhell's Avatar
    kwbyfrmhell is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    well I guess I will add, unfortunatly I don't have any real rigs any more. I gave em up couple of years ago, here is my jeep before the lift kit, buddy jess in his Blazer, and my old Toyota with 35's. lockers front and rear, 528 gears

    30 trikes of all shapes and sizes, Kawasakis, Yamahas, Hondas and a bunch of parts bikes
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  9. #24
    kwbyfrmhell's Avatar
    kwbyfrmhell is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    forgot to include what the jeep looked like clean
    30 trikes of all shapes and sizes, Kawasakis, Yamahas, Hondas and a bunch of parts bikes
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandpuppi101 View Post
    Here's a pic of a '47 Dodge Power Wagon I built up ,it had a 383 ,Torqueflite 727 tranny with a 3500 stall,with Dana Militaries on it,and 46 " tractor tire's,but me and my buddie did some trading and he took it over.He has since put a 440 ,64" tractor tire's ,and ton's more on it..We have a huge" Got Mud" club.Check out the site you guy's would love it, http://www.gotmud4x4.com since ya like Big Truck's..

    dude that thing is just SICK! I love those old power wagons, they just OOOOZZZ meaness!!

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sykolincoln View Post
    dude that thing is just SICK! I love those old power wagons, they just OOOOZZZ meaness!!
    The new PW with the 6speed can chirp'em going into 4th
    I got nothing...

  12. #27
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    Heres my beater...

    1978 Chevy short bed... 7ish" lift front=6" springs, +1/2"shackle, 3/4" zero-rate... Rear= Custom leaf pack, shackle flip, 1" block... shortened 3/4 ton chassis(50&#37; thicker), 4.10 gears, Rear Detroit locker(not gov-loc), 355ci- modified vortec heads, EDL rpm air-gap, 750 double pumper modded to 830 cfm, solid roller valvetrain, .040 quench, 10.7:1 compression, forged internals, 3200lb clutch, hydraulic clutch actuation, SM465/NP205, 3" exhaust... Some oregon duners may recall this thing smoking quads back in '02...
    Last edited by cr480r; 10-12-2007 at 06:25 AM.
    2-stroke lover

  13. #28
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    Here is my old 85 4x4 SR5 Toy. Complete restoration. 4" skyjacker suspension lift, 3" body lift, dual Rancho RS5000 shocks on all 4 corners. MT 35 x 14.50 x 15 . Stock 4 cyl fuel inj, stock running gear. new oem rear bed. Paint is violet black metallic with 4 coats of clear.original 82000 miles . Had it for 13 years and only put 2500 miles on it. sold it last year to buy a new Tacoma 4x4 4dr. Still regret selling.
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  14. #29
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    i wish i had pics here of my 04 superduty with 6 inch lift and 285/75r16's
    ok here goes, 85 atc70,2 84 atc70's 83 alt50,83 atc110 , 70 us 90 parot green, 85/86 350x garage queen, stock rider 85 350x, project 85 350x 85 250r drag bike, 2 85 250sx's, alt185, , scat tracker?99blaster,85 250r rider,85 250r ice racer project ,93 kx500,99 xr200r, 91 dr250s ,89 lt500 quadzilla,88 lt250quadracer, 88 trx250r race full on race quad,, 01 yamahakodiak400, kawaki kd100,lt50 for my doughters,93 300ex, 230 quadsport, lt185, lt250 quadrunner,84200s, is that enough?

  15. #30
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    This is my 1994 Toy. 33" BFG AT's with a 3" body and 2" blocks/cranked torsions. It's an extra cab and I could have got 35's in there but I'm not gonna fork out 1000$ to change the gears. I'd like to buy a V6 Tacoma in the next year or so with a better body.

    I had a 1979 GMC with 38" Swampers on there and a 69 large journal 327. I LOVED that truck but at 6mpg's and the gas prices I dumped it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 94 YO 75.jpg  
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