Again, Im throwing out the feelers. Im considering reduced laps for this possible class at riders' discretion. Are there old guys out there who would like to give it a try, but are intimidated by the young riders in novice classes? Mayeb three laps is a but much, and youd like to give it a shot, but one or two laps is more than enough! (Dont let the track fool you. 3 laps will wear down a conditioned rider.)
On the spirit of why this class is considered, it would not be open to Expert Class riders, and possibly not even Advanced Class riders, depending on circumstances.
Is 40+ a good age cutoff? Higher?
Again, the poll is for potential riders only. Post your comments, age below. You can post in the poll on behalf of an elder if he doesnt use the computer, provided he has agreed to it, and you are doing it at his direction.
This poll allows more than one selection, so if you vote to race, also vote on laps.