ok, i get my trike out to ride it. YTM 200k. it starts right up, and idles perfect. i ride it around and it runs good. i get on my trail that is pretty straight so i can open it up a little bit. i the throttle, and the motor starts missing. i mean missing bad. but if i let off the throttle and just drive it around without ing it, it runs fine. over winter, i had it bored .50 over. so i thought maybe the jetting was lean. i bring it up to my garage, pull the plug, and sure enough, its white. so i took the main jet out, and brought it to my local yamaha dealer. i told them i need a bigger main jet, so for 5 bucks, i went from a 58 mikuni and bought a 60. i put it in when i got home and it still runs like crap. the carb is rebuilt and clean. is it timing? is it fuel? please help!