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Thread: Atc 4 Me

  1. #466
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Lauderdale County, Alabama
    And it's not much more than groups of people racing at a small dirt track for cash prizes. No standings, or finals, really small scale, but normaly with a good bit of racers at once.
    This is my trike. There are many like it but this one is mine. My trike is my best friend, and it is my life. I must master it as I must master myself. My trike without me is useless. Without my trike, I am useless. I must ride my trike true. My trike and I know that what counts is not the amount of miles we ride, but the time we ride together. My trike is human in it's own ways, therefore I will learn it as my brother. I will learn it's weaknesses, it's strengths, it's parts, and it's soul.

  2. #467
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    It's good that you get to race. I never liked the idea of racing 3 and 4 wheelers together.

  3. #468
    BWard's Avatar
    BWard is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Me Either, Did it quite a few times though.

  4. #469
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Lauderdale County, Alabama
    Gotta start somewhere eh?
    This is my trike. There are many like it but this one is mine. My trike is my best friend, and it is my life. I must master it as I must master myself. My trike without me is useless. Without my trike, I am useless. I must ride my trike true. My trike and I know that what counts is not the amount of miles we ride, but the time we ride together. My trike is human in it's own ways, therefore I will learn it as my brother. I will learn it's weaknesses, it's strengths, it's parts, and it's soul.

  5. #470
    Join Date
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    conesus lake NY
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    Mike ,, I was absoutly blown away meeting you guys this week,, thanks for the picture and signing my helmet!

    From me and the rest of us,, thanks for comeing out...

    Tell your brother thanks also!
    Last edited by Bryan Raffa; 03-07-2011 at 02:04 PM.

  6. #471
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego

    This is for everybody out there. It was OUR pleasure! Hopefully we can join you folks next year with some wheelers. I'd really like to see some of the photos and possible video from the Gordons Well INVASION . Take care. I'll be reading.

  7. #472
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Jackson MI
    Mike- I would like to thank you also. You and your Brother are full of knowledge, I soaked In everything I could LOL. Thanks for signing my fenders on my Aluminum 450r. I was amazed when you guys rolled Into the Invasion!!! See you next time!!

    83 ATC 60-R Cr60 converted with Zinger parts.
    83 ATC 70.
    83 Tri zinger
    ATC 85-R Cr85 engine on shortened 86-R frame.
    86 310-R Drag racer
    440 snowmobile powered custom built.
    87 Cr 500 Converted to Drag racer

  8. #473
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Tionesta, PA
    Mike -

    Between you and Tommy - it was a real blast hanging out with you guys for an afternoon. You guys are the LEGENDS in our sport adn it was awesome meeting you! Thanks for the signatures and thanks for the great stories of yesteryear!

    Here is some pics and videoas from the Invasion:

    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  9. #474
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New brunswick Canada
    Was wondering if you could give some detailed info on the 480 your brother built for you? What kind of setup did you have,other then the 83 front end? How long was the rear swinger, and what was the pipe fabricated from?

  10. #475
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    1986 ATC250R (sectional pipe and Klemm Research silencer)
    1986 ATC250R (Desert Bike, WAX-ON seat, Dual Cibie lights, Steering Stabilizer)
    1979 ATC110 (Bandito frame and forks, Turbo wheels, disc braked)
    1982 ATC70 (Lifan manual 125)
    1987 LT80 (piped, widened)

    My feedback thread

    RIP Trace.. Godspeed.

  11. #476
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego
    We had a VERY good time out with you guys and gals at the INVASION!

    As far as the 480, I believe the swing arm was 3 inches over stock length. The pipe was a custom made pipe from steel sheet metal hand rolled cones, as any custom cone pipe. There was nothing really exotic or special that wasn't readily available for the 250's other than the front end. It was a very clean and functional conversion with emphasis on strong motor and pipe mounts. The engine was stock.

  12. #477
    justin4 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Las vegas baby
    I just read the whole thing . Great read. Hopr to go to the invation next year . Keep it coming Mike . Hey did you ever race in ua place in upstate new york called broom tioga raceway? Unnadilla a nother thriller in unnadilla was what the radio would say for weeks jeff ward ronleichine (spelling?). Just wondering?

  13. #478
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego

    Whike I did race a number of times in NewYork, I don't recall ever racing at Broome or Unadilla. Most of the racing we did back there was Ice Racing on Lake George and a NY State Championship ice race. We did have a National back there that got rained on VERY heavily and Honda got embarrased significantly because we didn't have any tires for the conditions. Most everyone else had Hoosiers designed for the wet conditions.

  14. #479
    justin4 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Las vegas baby
    Thanks for the answer . Keep up the posting I know you get very busy thank you for taking the time . I also got the grand pa notice . Good luck with life. Justin .

  15. #480
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego
    Things are very busy with my work and internet business for CRF150's and 230's. I went out earlier this month to see the grandson. Had a great time visiting with my girls. Wish I could have stayed longer! So I'm ready to answer any and all questions, within reason. Ask away!

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