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Thread: How to Post a Picture

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    How to Post a Picture

    After writing your post, scroll down and click on the "Manage Attachments" button.

    Once the box is open, (you may have to disable your popup blocker for the box to open) click on the "Browse" button.

    Another box will pop up that lets you find the file on your computer. Locate the file and click it. Then, go down and click the "Open" button.

    The box will disappear and it will take you back to the first box. If you want to upload another file, click the "Browse" button on the next line and the third line. Then click on the "Upload" button.

    The files will upload (this may take a few minutes). Then it will allow you to upload two more pictures. After uploading, close the box. Then submit the new post.

    And you're done! Not really that hard. Have fun, but remeber to keep it clean.

    1985 Honda 350X - a lot of performance stuff, everything but a cam, hope to get one soon
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  2. #2
    renotrikeguy's Avatar
    renotrikeguy is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Good job Michael. You should send Billy/HondaATC a link to it so he can make it a sticky..
    Chris (Reno,Nevada.)
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Mud hill. close to water !

    if you need to shrink an image...
    Currently :

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    85 ATC - 250 SX, Pride and Joy, Bottom-Less Money Pit.
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    The more people i meet.. the more i like my DOG !

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by renotrikeguy
    Good job Michael. You should send Billy/HondaATC a link to it so he can make it a sticky..
    That is a good job! Nicely done for sure!

  5. #5
    Bigred200's Avatar
    Bigred200 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Yes nicely done for us stupid computer people mainly myself. Now all I need is a camera...lol

  6. #6
    mnnmaz is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    This is good but now if you exceed the 250k it dont work! so now what!? grrrrr!
    Original 85 TriZ owner

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  7. #7
    Howdy's Avatar
    Howdy is offline Putting Priorities in Order, Busier than ever. Catch me if you can
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    Quote Originally Posted by mnnmaz
    This is good but now if you exceed the 250k it dont work! so now what!? grrrrr!
    Go 3 Replies up: http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/s...19&postcount=3
    Quote Originally Posted by bigredhead

    if you need to shrink an image...

  8. #8
    mnnmaz is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    oh sh**! thanks!
    Original 85 TriZ owner

    Certified NASA welder PM me if you need any welding I do extended swingarms and everything you can dream of

    Three is Always better then four, unless its with women then four is better then three

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i've done all you put there but when i click browse it shows the hour glass then dosent do anything..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Parker, CO
    Another way is to host the image somewhere else. Then you can easily insert the image right in your post (no need for anyone to click on the image). The downside of this is some image hosting services will only host your image for so long. It sucks when you read an old post and the images are missing. Either way, once you got a url of a picture, paste it into your post and enclose it with [IMG][/IMG].



  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I was gonna pass this along to a new member that can't posts pics, but since the authors photo's are now non viewable, I'm thinking it's not such a good idea.

    We need to update this thread guys
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    just a test to see if i can attach a picture
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Copy of DSC00383 copy.jpg  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    This method doesn't work anymore......

    How does a person get a picture off of the desktop?

    Get this out of the "open forum" and into "world class help" or "newbies loung" or wherever it would make sense to leave this topic please.....

    I've got a new PC with WIN7 and a photo right on the desktop and I can upload it??
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I use tinypics.com I'm a computer retard and I think this is a fairly easy site to use. if you have any questions on it just PM me.

    To resize pics someone on here long ago showed me this place http://www.resize2mail.com/ again real easy to use and PM me if you need help. But for the resize site, theres just 3 steps.

    1. browse for the pic you want

    2. click the 540x720 button (or smaller if you want it smaller)

    3. click OK and your done
    Last edited by SWIGIN; 05-23-2010 at 05:44 AM.
    80s......185 atc, Yamaha tri-moto 200, 85 200x with tons of work
    90s......89 Suzuki quad racer 250 (raced 250 A class for 6 years, late 90s.. custom framed 250x with long travel shocks and a built 350x motor.... built Honda 110
    00s...... chomeoly framed 350 RX with all the goodies (thanks to my bro)
    2012.....Replaced the 350x motor for a 444cc YZ426

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    just practicing

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