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Thread: Merritt Island Florida

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Merritt Island Florida

    I might be moving here
    is there anyplace to ride nearby?

  2. #2
    Billy Golightly's Avatar
    Billy Golightly is offline Always finding new and exciting ways to not give a hoot in hell Catch me if you can
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Live Oak, FL
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    Crooms is probably the closest to you there (Brooksville) or Big Scrub (Ocala). Those are the big places I know of, I'm sure theres other places near. Might not hurt to call a bike shop from that area and just tell them you might be moving down there and you were wondering what they had for riding.

    Checkout www.floridatrailriders.org it is the state wide riding organization, they do alot of harescrambles, motocrosses, ect. You can checkout their "Clubs" page for one that would be close to you.

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