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Thread: MyMint as God?

  1. #1
    Bill X_R is offline Bill "The Finger" XR oo|oo Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    MyMint as God?

    Dude...I love ya like a brother, but you got to get off this kick. The only way something like this happens is by a lot of WORK and MONEY and one or two guys willing to make a commitment to put it together! That guy is Howdy, he puts in the most hours money and personnel sacrafice than all of us put together (save Billy) All the rest of us have to do is pretty much show up and enjoy the fruits of someone elses hard work...

    So you figure it out....(Hint: Where does Howdy live)

    Trike On brother, and don't be upset because you live there and I live here

    Peace Out

    86' 250 R
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  2. #2
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    howdy + work + money..????

    GEEZ...and all this time i thought it was the people who attend that make it such a sucessful event...


    I sure am glad to see your giving credit where credit is due

    Thanks for clueing me in lil' billy P_W...

    Now listen to da-da lil' bil...trikes off and lights out...it's 9pm and that means bedtime.....

  3. #3
    Howdy's Avatar
    Howdy is offline Putting Priorities in Order, Busier than ever. Catch me if you can
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    howdy + work + money..????

    GEEZ...and all this time i thought it was the people who attend that make it such a sucessful event...


    It is the people that make the event so great & successful. If it wasn't for Trikefest I probably wouldn't have met a lot of the members I have ( I know others can say the same thing ). Most everyone that has went to Trikefest has gained a lot of respect for the other people that they have met there.
    Yea, I put a lot into it, but nothing worth having in life comes easy. I personally took on the challenge of putting our Trikefest together a few years ago. I could have just as easily said "It would be too much work for me and it may cost more than it's worth". I could have sat behind my computer screen and complain about how other peoples rides / gatherings are boring, stale, about to die off, ect ( just like you have done in the past and are doing now ). But I didn't sit on my arse and piss, moan and complain. Instead I got off my arse and went to work on organizing it. Yes, I had disappointments along the way. So what? This is normal in everyday in life.
    Even with the disappointments I didn't give up. I changed the things that needed to be changed. The changes worked for the good, and now Trikefest is doing better year after year. Everyone that has gone has reaped the rewards ( good times, great friends, and tons of smiles ).

    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87

    I sure am glad to see your giving credit where credit is due

    Thanks for clueing me in lil' billy P_W...
    Anyone that knows me knows I do not claim credit for the success of Trikefest. I am sure some of the people can remember my signature from right after TF02. That signature was: " I made it happen you guys made it GREAT!!"
    When mik6 gave me a gift at TF04, I told him I had done nothing to deserve it. In fact I told everyone this same thing. And I even posted to this. I do not wish to take credit for success of Trikefest. I only put it together. Without the people showing up it's just another ride for me. Each and every person that has gone to Trikefest deserves credit. Credit also goes to those that couldn't make it to Trikefest but has given their full support of it. NO CREDIT GOES TO YOU to you because all you do is to knock Trikefest.
    I look at it this way: Think of Trikefest as a wagon going down the road. Your that person that is trying to take a wheel off the wagon while it is moving. The funny thing is all your doing hurting yourself. Your going to have a hard time removing the wheel on this wagon. It's moving too fast for you already ( and it's still gaining speed ). Try all you want but your just going to make yourself dizzy.

    Until you actually make it to Trikefest @ Haspin your negative comments have no merit and are useless to the sport as a whole. So put a sock in it!

  4. #4
    Bill X_R is offline Bill "The Finger" XR oo|oo Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87

    howdy + work + money..????

    GEEZ...and all this time i thought it was the people who attend that make it such a sucessful event...


    I sure am glad to see your giving credit where credit is due

    Thanks for clueing me in lil' billy P_W...

    Now listen to da-da lil' bil...trikes off and lights out...it's 9pm and that means bedtime.....

    Whatever man,...Just do us all a favor and get back on your meds!!!
    86' 250 R
    02' DS 650
    03' Cannibal
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  5. #5
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    You know, I always though that the resergence of the popularity of three wheelers would be coming from the east because of people just like you and your passion you show towards trikes, and your innovative and open mind...TRULY I DID!!!

    let me ask you a couple things, trikefest for the past 3 years has been a great/fun event...

    i never said i wasn't proud or that I didn't respect the people who attended

    as an "organizer" and someone who had a vision and worked hard to achive it, do you have any more visions or plans to take it to the next level?

    why dont you take suggestions from everyone on improving or including more participants?

    by making a suggestion on the board, that actually allows me too be included without actually participating...

    which i think is cool....

    look at what you do, if i dont attend i'm nothing, and all my comments are stricken from the record...this mentality is like a cancer and excludes me from participating and anyone else who might be prompted with my suggestion to give their suggestion and participating also

    It jjust like the tikefest 03 cd thread....you guys scrambled to make the trikefest event..then you scrambled to make a cd for funds for the board begging everyone to buy one...and i told the members why not send money in anyway, doesn't the crew here do enough already buy giving us this forum?


    now again i have a black eye

    Dude, you need to pull your head out of that mudhole

    do you think i will be the last one to come along and all your fears are gone?

    a wagon?......HAHAHA ........ok, if you say so

    hey dont look now, but that wheel i was trying to fix is going to fall off just before you drive it into that ditch.
    Last edited by mymint87; 06-12-2004 at 05:50 AM.
    Gordons Well...#1 in this World, Home of "The Nick", "The Mutt", "The Husq" and "the Alky"

  6. #6
    kimmer250r's Avatar
    kimmer250r is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Haspin is known as Trikefest.........PERIOD! Do you think the harley guys would move the Sturgis Bike Rally just cause it was too far away from the guys on the east coast?!? Get real! People ride all across the usa to go to that bike rally and to be part of it. Trikefest is no different. It has doubled in size every year since it started and now Haspin is know as Trikefest. Save up some money and drive across the usa to get there and enjoy the experience. If I lived on the west coast, I would save some cash for a few years and head to Haspin for Trikefest when I could afford it and not complain about it. The other thing that bugs me is everyone with there " we should have a ???? Trikefest". There is only one trikefest! If you guys want to have a group ride, then call it a 3ww group ride. Once again, its like saying " Lets have a Sturgis Bike Rally here in mexico". If it isn't in Sturgis, then it isn't a Sturgis bike rally. Soooo, save up some cash, rent a hauler, get all your friends together, and come to the next Trikefest! We'll have plenty of beer and food for ya and its a great group of people to hang out with. I know it sucks that it isn't closer to ya, but it is just the luck of the draw.
    THERE FROM THE START-HASPIN VET 2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-(missed 08-dang babies)-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 AND ALL THE REST!

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  7. #7
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    i remember awhile back when howdy left the chat room it said i made it happen u guys made it great.
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  8. #8
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    i've had my say in other threads...i dont need to repeat myself...all i can say is

    SWOOOSH....right over your beer drinking hillbilly heads.....

    i know i'm right

    you all aren't part of the resurgence...your just 20 years behind
    Gordons Well...#1 in this World, Home of "The Nick", "The Mutt", "The Husq" and "the Alky"

  9. #9
    Bill X_R is offline Bill "The Finger" XR oo|oo Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Hate to beat a dead horse...but! Kimmer makes an excelent point! Mint, you said Trikefest will fade away without change, it die off blah, blagh blah...but what about bike week in daytona....or poker runs held at the same place every year....blah blah blah....Your not right Mint....your just an ass
    86' 250 R
    02' DS 650
    03' Cannibal
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  10. #10
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    mymint, pull your head out of your ass for a couple minutes, and take a look around. Explain to me how you can claim to be correct when you have no clue what in f*ck your talking about. Show up at Haspin next year, then you can trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro, piss, and moan all you want about it. Until then its just an uneducated opinion about something you have NO knowledge of.
    83 YT 175
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  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Oh the humanity.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    J. Jonny D, --- Quad - Trike relations committee Chairman and all around swell guy.

    Rides: '91 Warrior, '87 TW200, 1984 YTM225DX, 1984 ATC125M, '71 CL350 Scrambler

  13. #13
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    LMFAO tim and wickedfinger!!!!
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  14. #14
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    wickedfinger that is too funny.....i seen that a day ago and have been laughing ever since...nothing i can say about that....truely classic...your a freakin stud


    "there's only one trikefest?"

    your opinion seems selfish and exclusive....looks like you'll fit in with some of the boys around here jUUUUUUst fine.....

    can i assume that the only way you'll move the ride is over your dead body also?

    dan tenn

    just for the fact that they WILL NOT allow you to ride after 9pm is, in my opinion, grounds for not going back and looking for a BETTER place...

    anyplace that denies me and my gal of 23 years a romantic night ride is definatley a BIG DUD

    i love the way you all...or should i say "YALLL'" compare your ride with the likes of daytona and sturgis....it is a nice thought ...but your "heads" or should i say "necks" are in the clouds...HAHA

    its seems this thread has gone back to my "Haspin As Mecca" which was closed and should remain that way....

    i've had my say and i have moved on, time will tell who's right and whos blindfolded

    I guess it's a culture or geographic thing ...... i strive to understand all of you everyday, and i can say each day i do learn something new about yourselfs (somethings that are big to you are not to me, and visa versa)

    i dont blame any of you for not understanding where i'm coming from....it's a sand thing........hehe

    when you have time.....check out where I live and ride.... out here on the cutting edge of the ATV' industry

    glamisinfo.com to name a few

    and when you see pics of quads after quads, just remember that there is a guy out there named Mike, with a "350x" and NOW a "nicholson 5oo turbo"
    roosting in everyones face and proping up the trike he rides as the "best atv ever made"

    Bill X_R,

    I am God, and my 500 turbo is my chariot of fire...HAHAHAHA

    wanna race?....HAHAHAHAHA

    i didn't think so

    oh and btw,

    if my opinions offends you all i can say is,

    "You'll have that on a message board"

    and it's all of your insecure attitudes that guarantee I won't be the last
    Gordons Well...#1 in this World, Home of "The Nick", "The Mutt", "The Husq" and "the Alky"

  15. #15
    Howdy's Avatar
    Howdy is offline Putting Priorities in Order, Busier than ever. Catch me if you can
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    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87
    your opinion seems selfish and exclusive....looks like you'll fit in with some of the boys around here jUUUUUUst fine.....
    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87
    just for the fact that they WILL NOT allow you to ride after 9pm is, in my opinion, grounds for not going back and looking for a BETTER place...
    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87
    i dont blame any of you for not understanding where i'm coming from....it's a sand thing........hehe

    when you have time.....check out where I live and ride.... out here on the cutting edge of the ATV' industry

    glamisinfo.com to name a few
    You say so many great things about your riding area. How ever your not putting a ride together. hmmmmm You keep dreaming about having a ride / gathering while we are actually riding and getting together.

    NEWS FLASH: Dreams don't come true on their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87
    i've had my say and i have moved on, time will tell who's right and whos blindfolded
    Quote Originally Posted by mymint87
    I am God, and my 500 turbo is my chariot of fire...HAHAHAHA
    If you think your God you are Blind as a Bat ( You also answered your own posting ). Thinking your God only shows everyone else just how conceded you really are.

    FYI, There is only 1 God and that your not.


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