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Thread: 86r needs some more speed??

  1. #1
    dirtbike77 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    86r needs some more speed??

    ok i have a 1986 atc250r her are the mods...

    fmf pipe(fatty) and fmf silencer
    22.11.9 tires in the rear
    .60 bore.
    mild port job
    49 tooth and 14 front sprockets
    150 jet
    boyessen intake ( 6 pedals)
    run r-50 @32.1

    the bike runs like a bat out of hell, i had the fastest bike in my nieghborhood for a while. now this past weekened i got beat by a bansheee with a set of fmf pipes and sprocket change? not bad but i got beat.. i was wondering any other mods i could do or try?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Try a 38 or 40 tooth sprocket. You lose some acceleration ( on a 250r it shouldn't matter ), but you gain alot a of top end.
    "I am going out of this world.....the same way I came in...screaming and covered in blood."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    englishtown NJ
    49 tooth, thats a huge sprocket, I think you mean a 39, I have 14/39 on mine and it hauls, but I have a full port job, cut head, a/s carb and more. I'm using a 182 jet, now its a 330, I haven't figured out jetting yet.

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