Picked up a 1981 185s last March, and went from sitting to running thanks to this site!
Put the machine to work prepping the deer lease this past summer. Saved my butt a lot of walking and packing gear in and out, but she's better put to use ripping up the trails! Anyway, the honeymoon is over, and I have her torn apart for a top end rebuild.
Everything was going well until I decided to pull the flywheel to replace the lighting coil. I cannot get this flywheel to budge, and now the crankshaft is starting to mushroom!
First attempt with the flywheel puller, the flywheel did not budge, so I tipped the engine on it's side and filled the flywheel nut cavity with penetrating oil and let it soak overnight. No luck, flywheel still didn't budge.
Have since tried moderate heat to the flywheel, lots of heat to the flywheel, cycling heat/penetrating oil, and whacking the puller/flywheel with awith the puller bolt cinched tight. Nothing!
What else can I do?
I need a hail Mary as I think I screwed myself by applying too much heat and ruining the excitor coil. She's no longer ohming to spec. If I can't remove the flywheel this engine is dead!
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