New ATC 185/200 Recoil Starters
metalman329 has new recoil starters for sale on Ebay.
They're not replicas, or even remotely similar looking to OEM, but they're new for the same price as used junk. They may be a good choice for a rider someone is more concerned about function than factory correct. Especially for those who got a trike sans recoil or are considering one but was going to pass based on having to source an OEM recoil, pay out for it, then also have to rebuild it.
I haven't seen more detailed pictures of the recoil unit they're using, but it looks like the kits come with a machined cage instead of using the stamped steel OEM one.
No decomp provision on these.
I remember seeing these a while back and thought it was just a blip on the radar, but while looking for other things I noticed they're still available.
The story of three wheels and a man...