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Thread: atc prices coming down?

  1. #1
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    atc prices coming down?

    I'm not talking about museum quality restorations. Are trike prices finally coming back down? Last 200x I bought was 600 bucks, ripped seat, cracked plastic, but pretty complete, Added gas and rode it, going to pick up my old 200x tomorrow, titled, maier plastics, funky seat cover, new tires, complete, 600 bucks. There's a really nice 350x on marketplace for 3900 obo with title.
    what are other members seeing in different parts of the country? jim
    81 185s
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  2. #2
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    Not in N.W. Florida.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I've seen some cheaper ones listed, but they're all 185Ss or 200 hardtails.

  4. #4
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    I rearranged some trikes started 3 of them 185s 2 200x. trying to convince myself to sell the 185s. But it needs brake cables, rear tire leaks, good bones but probably a 4 or 500 dollar trike. I can't replace it for what I'll sell it for but I've got 2 other 185s in the shed . jim
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  5. #5
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    ended up posting
    2 84 200x 1 85 200x all titled running etc. and a 82 185s no title on marketplace and cl starting at 4000 bucks and zero calls. Not even a trade for a refrigerator or other junk
    81 185s
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  6. #6
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    The general craze for this stuff seems over.

    Your always going to have collector stuff sought after but the rest of the "run of the mill" stuff is toast.

    I had these plastics on Offerup for 10 bucks..... nothing. Probably couldn't give them away.

    Whatever....it was fun while it lasted.

  7. #7
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    Nearly everything I see online is very overpriced junk from delusional owners. People who've never actually rebuilt them and have no idea of the cost and labor, and absolutely aren't qualified to appraise them.

    Even the auction sites are mostly full of poorly modified, questionable history/condition trikes. The baffling thing is all the stock ones in fair to good condition that get low bids, some I've seen looked like a steal, while pieced together looking ones with 'performance' upgrades bring more than they're worth and what I'd even consider paying. The caveat is the ones with vintage aftermarket parts, those are worth collecting.

    The ones that are 'performance' modified by owners who obviously aren't capable of choosing matching components and theirs now runs worse than a stock one, except maybe at WOT.

    Basically all of them skimp on any suspension or brake upgrades, which I prefer over engine upgrades that just make the trike worse to ride.

    New plastic is all well and good for a rider, but for long term value, nothing replaces OEM plastic. We all know the cost and rarity of excellent condition OEM fenders.

    'Runs good but needs carb cleaned' Seriously, very confused people.

    Then there's the people posting them online that don't even have a cold start and running video link or mention they can send one.

    It's just horrible with used trikes right now. I'd buy a new one before even considering most of the overpriced used junk out there...

    About the only deals are the one's sitting by the road with a sign. The owner knows it needs work and they want to free up space more than keep it for several more months (or longer) trying to get a mythical price for it. The owner also wants nothing to do with online scammers or the hassle of tire kickers who may or may not show up when they say.

    I'm pretty much out of considering buying any more. About the only thing I search for is a nice KLT250. A nice 225DX could be in the future too. Both of those are pretty hard to find a lot of the OE parts for, in nice condition, especially the KLT. I wouldn't touch any of those as a project trike, they'd have to be complete and in fair or better condition, something that mostly labor would line out. Aboslutely nothing that's obviously been sitting outside most of it's life or had poor maintenance. Something with general wear and tear and showing it's age a little would make a good rider, not the beat to death and abused junk people are wanting absurd prices for.

    I don't have the room for either right now though.

    I've got enough projects anyway. I have one machine that someone else around here used to own and a guy was over and wondering what ever happened to it. He was surprised when I showed him I had it in the shop, under a tarp. I stared working on it years ago and need to finish it, most people think it disappeared.

    I guess I look at the vintage vehicle value like the cost of a very aged bourbon. The person that let that storage space be taken up for all those years, who cared for it all that time, deserves to be compensated for their effort. Someone who drug something out of a field and can't tell the difference between negligence and patina is a beggar, not a seller.
    The story of three wheels and a man...

  8. #8
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    I'm just out of space and kids are done riding. I get into these moods and end up cleaning out all my junk then start collecting again. I sold a guy a running 110 a few years back, he noticed all these other 110s I had (I think 3 or 4) 1 set of plastics 1 tank but I sold him the 4 for 100 bucks. we even moved the tank from each trike to just drive them onto his trailer. now most of my spare stuff is 185s or 200s stuff. biggest issue of dumping all the parts is our main ATC guy passed away and the source of easy to get parts have dried up. jim
    81 185s
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  9. #9
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    and I find airbox and both boots for 85 bucks for the 200x. So I pull the ads of cl and marketplace. It's too much fun just making these things nicer.
    This 84 I had about 750 into it, then sold it for 1000. A fewonths later, I bought it back for 600 bucks, added a seat cover and front master cylinder now airbox. So I'm back into it about 750 bucks. jim
    81 185s
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  10. #10
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    Homeless Dave is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    In my area, prices have dropped. A beat to death 110 used to be 2k, now they can be had in good shape for 4–700. Even the market on the performance units have dropped quite a bit. I think that the rising cost of living is keeping people from buying things. It’s possible the market might heat up again, but nobody can predict that. I still just buy the stuff I get a scorching deal on, I don’t have lots of money, I work on a tight budget.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Currently : trx400fw, ct70, 250es,200x, xl80s, 350x, 350x, Trx250X,ALT185

  11. #11
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    just sold a complete running 200x no smoke, both brakes good tires, new seat, fixed but cracked plastics. title for 1000 bucks. buyer was happy, I advertised it as the cheapest 200x running and only got 2 replies this weekend d. jim
    81 185s
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  12. #12
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    I'm still not seeing it, looking at online ads.

    A derelict 200X with plants growing out of the rotted seat, for $1,000. Oh, and they're going up in price everyday, as stated in the ad, typical.

    A 250ES in 'great' condition, never mind that it's realistically, barely in the good condition territory, for $6,000. If they spent just a little on it, it would be a solid good condition, but that's not the M.O. of those sellers. Still not anywhere worth the asking price though.

    I did just see a YTM225 parts trike, for $150. No fenders, tank cover, or headlight, but said the engine turns over, doesn't start. I'm sure it'd be worth the price for someone who needed parts other than what it's missing. It's within reasonable driving distance from me, but I don't have a 225.
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  13. #13
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    this is a 1000 dollar 200x around here when I want to sell one. if I were trying to buy this, it would be 2000 bucks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Resized_20240902_125753_1725646853079.jpeg   Resized_20240902_125722_1725646845858.jpeg  
    81 185s
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  14. #14
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    Any of the Japanese trikes someone is asking $1,000 for should at least run and ride, in the basic sense.

    The models with more current parts availability are the best ones to stick to when on a budget, but they also tend to bring higher prices. It works out good that way anyhow. The people asking high prices for models where a missing part is very expensive and hard to come by, I mean the typical Japanese trikes, are asking far too much for something that isn't exactly all that rare or valuable to start with. Good used parts for those can exceed the total value of the trike itself. For models like that, anything that isn't turn-key should be considered a parts trike and have an appropriate price. A person could have five parts trikes of the same model and still not have everything to build a complete one, that's why it's important to skip over the 'project' trikes, they'll often be a loss or have a very narrow margin.

    All that said, I believe the best deals are out west, where the trike scene originated. The rest of us get the availability of beat up farm trikes who's owners live in rural areas but look at West Coast prices, and dream.

    A big thing that often isn't focused on when buying a trike, and most of the sellers sure don't offer it up voluntarily, is frame condition, especially rot. The trikes that have spent their whole time in dry climates and seen little to no mud are going to have the frames worth paying for. The ones used in wet climates and obviously weren't the best cared for are more often than not going to need some frame repair because of rust.

    I hardly ever see buyers asking about frame bottom pictures, or before pictures if the frame was repainted. Most sellers don't go out of their way to show those either. There are a lot, a very lot of trikes being sold online now by dealers and a large percentage of them are not experts. Clean it up, spray some slickem on everything to make it look purdy, and move it out the door. I'm not saying all dealers intentionally sell questionable vehicles, but not even being real enthusiast has major shortcomings when properly representing a vehicle's condition.

    If buyers pay the price without doing their due diligence, that's their fault, right?
    The story of three wheels and a man...

  15. #15
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    years ago I made a post about a 185s I dragged home and someone mentioned the frame was probably rotted
    at the foot pegs. I've never seen a trike frame with rust issues here in tucson. I imagine even if a trike was buried it wouldn't rust out here because it's so dry. jim
    81 185s
    82 185s with 85 200s motor
    82 185s
    and a 72 ct70

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