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Thread: 1979 Honda 110 splitting cases?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Burlington iowa

    1979 Honda 110 splitting cases?

    I have a 1979 Honda 110 I’m working on that’s missing 1st gear. I’ve read tons of threads and have checked out the shifter pawl and stopper all looks in good shape. So my question is, can I leave the left side of the engine alone and only pull the top end and split the cases from the right side? Or is there parts that need removed from the left (stator side) ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Your going that far you might as well replace all the seals on both sides they aren’t really that hard to do and you might have a bent shift fork with the issue you are describing
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Burlington iowa
    Well I got it all tore apart and it ended up being the dogs that engage first gear all 3 had broken off! I put it back together and have all 4 gears but sometimes when shifting it doesnt shift fully and stops between two gears? Not really sure what that would be since it wasn’t an issue before.

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