Picked this trike up about a month ago with the intent to perform a semi-restoration. Nothing over the top, but address the items that need attention, and make a clean rider.
It's currently torn down to the frame - which isn't in bad shape, I had to re-weld the coil mount back in place (held in place with a hose clamp)
I received new KTX plastics kit, and a Clarke fuel tank (in Kawasaki green) new replacement stock graphics for the fenders and tank, and a replacement blue seat cover. I'll post of the fit/finish of all these parts once I get to that point (and I'll update this thread with pics)
I did ride the trike when I made the purchase, it ran well, but with the motor out I removed the top-end, looks to have a stock bore with Wiseco piston kit, and a Pro-X connecting rod - pleased everything is tight and doesn't look to have many hours on the build.
Also - the rear shock is blown, so that's out for rebuild (I hope it's in decent enough shape to rebuild) and I found out one fork tube is bent - so the plan is to straighten it out, then replace the fork seals.
As expected, there's a long list of small items that need repair - but I'll save that detail for another post as I make progress.