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Thread: 350X rocker box reseal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Ca, USA

    350X rocker box reseal

    Howdy folks. Need to reseal the rocker box on an 85 350X. My question is do you use sealant on the rubber cam plug located near the top on the right head side or does it compression seal when the rocker box is bolted back on? Also while I’m here, it wants to bog when you crack the throttle hard off idle but you can feather through it and then somewhere between 50%-75% throttle it starts sputtering. I’m guessing the stock jets aren’t keeping up. It has a K&N with stock airbox and lid, a stick header pipe, and a Bill’s Pipes muffler. I ride at roughly sea level. Just looking for someone to ballpark me for jet sizes. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Dave

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I’m not sure on the jets you will need. Have you adjusted the idle mixture screw? Or moved the needle in the slide yet? As for the sealant on the rubber plug I would put a little on it to help it seal it’s a 30+ year old rubber plug.
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Ca, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by big specht View Post
    I’m not sure on the jets you will need. Have you adjusted the idle mixture screw? Or moved the needle in the slide yet? As for the sealant on the rubber plug I would put a little on it to help it seal it’s a 30+ year old rubber plug.
    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately my impatience got the better of me and I did the job before I saw your reply. There wasn’t any sealant on the outside lug when I got the cover off and it wasn’t leaking from that location so hopefully it will hold. If not it’s so bad now that I know how to do it. And that’s a good suggestion on the adjustments. Again thank you for your reply

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