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Thread: 1984 Honda Atc 250r build . 2nd gen and first gen parts compatibility

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Warwick Rhode Island

    1984 Honda Atc 250r build . 2nd gen and first gen parts compatibility

    What's up everybody. New member here and first time posting. I am here to gather some information for my current build of a 1984 Honda atc 250r. Or at least starting with an 84 250r frame. I am currently looking for a motor and have seen 2 candidates for sale. One of which is a 2nd gen motor , the other a first gen. I know that if I were to get the first gen motor in the second gen frame that I will have to do some work finding a 2nd gen shifter shaft or backyard mechanic a way to cut and shorten the shaft to clear the frame. Also I know there may be some differences in the wiring harnesses. Just dont know which differences those are for sure. Does anyone else know in particular? The only reason I'm leaning more towards getting the 1st gen motor is it is half the price and ready to go while the 2nd gen motor is more expensive and will still need a flywheel/stator and that can be a tough and not cheap part to find (as far as my research goes) . Is there anything else that I should know getting into this situation? I know theres a thread pertaining to this on this site that I've read through but didnt have much of the info I needed . If anybody here could assist me on this journey I am about to take it would be so greatly appreciated and make me feel not in over my head as much , haha. Hope to hear back from some of you guys and thank you for any assistance you can give! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Carthage NY 250r rules
    The 81-84 stator are the same so your 84 harness will plug right in.The shift shaft is the onlt difference. You should price out the shift shaft and shifter and add that to the price of the first gen motor and see what the price difference is.There really isn't a quick fix unless you can shorten a first gen shaft for cheap. Just my 2 cents.I have 81-84 250Rs and 2 liquid Rs.
    250r rules

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