Searching for 1986 Honda ATC 350X sold around 2005 on eBay…
I’m searching for a 1986 350X that my dad sold on eBay around 2005. The only thing we have at this time is a date stamped picture he took for the listing. The gentleman that bought the bike was within driving distance of Kimbolton, OH 43749 and drove several hours to pick the bike up. The bike was sold with several spare plastic totes of parts and other large items including some tires, a spare frame, and some plastic. The bike itself was stock appearing other than a Supertrapp exhaust and had OEM plastic with the decals removed. The front tire was also an original Ohtsu with worn down studs. I know this is a long shot but we thought we would try to see if it still existed and could be bought back. We are in the process of doing a title chain search as he isn’t even sure if it was titled at this point. Attaching a picture of the bike.
Attachment 270724
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