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Thread: 1984 Honda 200X Rescue

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Unless finishing this will have an impact on you financially that you can't handle, I'd commit to finishing what you started. I believe you'll be happy that you did... if you don't finish it, you'll never know what could've been. Leave no stone unturned.

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by 207wheelin View Post
    Every time I go to the parts store for parts or supplies I shake my head at the cost increase. Its expensive staying busy! Glad to see you getting back into it Knappyfeet. If I ever get caught up with the vehicle projects I plan on taking a few weeks to finish some of my ATC projects.
    Everywhere I go its crazy expensive.. but California is even crazier. I can remember when Amazon was clearly cheaper than anywhere else for the same item.. now eBay is consistently cheaper than Amazon for the exact same item. I'm assuming it's the higher minimum wage and 5 months paid maternity leave and stuff like that that drives the cost up for Amazon.

  3. #213
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    Final clean on the engine is done....gasket surfaces cleaned and new seals installed. Looks like it was painted before over the original finish so I'm going to let it dry over night....then wire brush all the dried up loose paint and then mask and paint.

    It will be a half ass job but I'm cool with it.

  4. #214
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    Come on...split that sucker and powder coat...lol. Besides, that countershaft looks like it needs a little work to get the seal to last.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseldigger View Post
    Come on...split that sucker and powder coat...lol. Besides, that countershaft looks like it needs a little work to get the seal to last.
    Haha!.... I got to give something for the next owner to work on.

    Although it's not leaking....your right about the countershaft.

  6. #216
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    Engine painted and slowly being reassembled.

    Does anybody know that the washer pictured......#13........ is just a regular washer or a crush washer? There's a few things I can't find and that's one of them. To be honest I don't think when I disassembled everything that there was a washer on that..or a thrust washer on the camshaft for that matter.

    So for now I wait for a couple of parts and slowly clean some fasteners and zinc plate them.

    At least I'm moving on this project and feel good about that.

  7. #217
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    Definitely a crush washer .
    Looking good BTW .
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  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortline10 View Post
    Definitely a crush washer .
    Looking good BTW .
    I believe it's the same as a cam roller type being soft aluminum to seal up the jug cavity where the cam chain is.
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  9. #219
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    Thank you guys.....a wealth of information right here.

    Ordered that and a couple of other things to keep this show on the road.

  10. #220
    Join Date
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    Dang it!

    Just when things started going so smoothly

  11. #221
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    If you take a couple of threads of that clutch cover bolt, you might get away with epoxying that chunk back in. That's some shitty luck right there...

  12. #222
    TexFest's Avatar
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    weld it up
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  13. #223
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    I'm thinking of tipping the motor forward and using an epoxy to fill it up.

    My quick steel has been sitting in the toolbox for 20 years… it's as hard as a rock.

    Ideally probably just source a half case and split everything and do it right..... but if JB Weld is good enough for the block of grandpa's old McCormick-Deering it's good enough for my 200x.

  14. #224
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    the 2 part epoxies today are amazing. jim
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  15. #225
    TexFest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knappyfeet View Post
    I'm thinking of tipping the motor forward and using an epoxy to fill it up.

    My quick steel has been sitting in the toolbox for 20 years… it's as hard as a rock.

    Ideally probably just source a half case and split everything and do it right..... but if JB Weld is good enough for the block of grandpa's old McCormick-Deering it's good enough for my 200x.
    i just remembered, that i have a whole 200x bottom end if you're looking for a case half
    TPC 450R

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