This bike is awesome!!! Worked today and wanted to get out. Came home and loaded it up after work. Solo ride for a hour. Trails were ok. Some were grown over due to lack of traffic. Hit some mud. Some sand. As I was running solo I did not get too crazy. Lots of ATV's run these trails so ruts ETC. What "could" be a rut of water could be deep as far as ruts. I still gave it. Bike ran great! Never missed a beat.
I dumped it in rut with about 2' of water. The other side had a tree root which washed the front tire out. Down I go. All good. It fired up first kick after being down. It is a tall bike. I am 6'1".
Tight stuff is not for this bike. More a open road type of bike. I loved the sand runs on the side of the fields.