Getting tired of running into the same invalid info in service manuals, so I'm making this post for a sanity check for myself, but why not share it with the world too. Most of the issues I've found have been wire pinout/color related. I mainly use the Honda Branded service manuals. This is open for anyone to add corrections though, but please be detailed (brand, exact service manual/machines it covers, page number, correction etc). Screen shots are nice but not required. Ignore my quick paint edits, it's intended to be functional, not pretty lol.
I know there was a 200 series error for which spark plug it called for too, can't remember which one it was. The wiring based errors I'll add as I run across them.
Found Errors:
(Link) 84 ATC200ES Big Red - Pg:226 CDI Pinout Incorrect
(Link) 84 TRX200 - Pg:250 CDI Pinout Incorrect