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Thread: Trike Fest Swapmeet 2018

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Cool Trike Fest Swapmeet 2018

    Ok it will be here before you know and now you can get FREE shipping ( kind of lol) post up the stuff you are looking for or wanting to get rid of cause some one might have it or want it and will going to the same place you are or know some one that is!!
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I'm in the market for some 85/6 250r fork tubes or complete forks
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    s.w. michigan

    KLT250 Prairie

    I would like 1000.00 although I will entertain offers. A half down deposit before putting on trailer.
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  4. #4
    loshe191's Avatar
    loshe191 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    I have a 83-85 200x kick start ratchet I will bring if anyone is interested
    Last edited by loshe191; 06-18-2018 at 06:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Monroe Indiana
    350x clutch side sidecover will deliver to trikefest $50 and 110 90 engine parts and hi/lo trans $50
    Last edited by mikey kinikey 4; 05-19-2018 at 06:31 PM. Reason: Add pics

  6. #6
    mollie8000's Avatar
    mollie8000 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    I have big red tank decent shape 100$,250sx tank 50$ will bring to tf18
    Trikefest survivor 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  7. #7
    fabiodriven's Avatar
    fabiodriven is offline Aspiring romance novel cover model, and the Official 3WW slayer of thieves and swindlers. Catch me if you can
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollie8000 View Post
    I have big red tank decent shape 100$,250sx tank 50$ will bring to tf18
    Pics of the SX tank please?
    85 Tri-Zinger 60
    85 ATC250SX
    86 ATC250SX
    87 ATC250SX
    02 XR650L conversion
    84 ATC 480R

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I'm selling phase 5 pipe for Tri-Z and a 88? NZ 250 Motor complete with wireing harness motor was running before tearing it apart for a project 200ea will bring to TF if interested message me for more info
    If its on the internet its got to be true they can't put any lie's on the internet

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Figure I’d put these here if someone’s looking for them. I believe from yamaha badger 3/100 rims, ugly rust on one of the rims. The 18x7-7 rubber has no dry cracks, still feels soft. One of them holds air/ other one doesn’t not sure why maybe bead leak. Will end up getting tossed if I keep em. Price is. FREE- to trikefest go-ers. Or maybe a cold one or dry socks if it “rains” again,
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  10. #10
    mollie8000's Avatar
    mollie8000 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    will do when get home,job training till friday
    Trikefest survivor 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  11. #11
    kiser's Avatar
    kiser is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	252706I am bringing a 70 with an e-start 125 motor to sell. It's a project that has been sitting around so I'm going to let it go. It needs a battery, carb cleaned and maybe a CDI because the last time I tried to start it, it wouldn't fire on a sniff of brake clean. I have $400 in it and that's what I want out of it. I would possibly trade for a 1982 250R, cash ether way.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Nassau county, NY
    I'm in the market for a Taurus if anybody is looking to get some space freed up. Been wanting one for some time now.
    79- 110
    81- 70
    82- 200
    83- 200es
    84- 110, 110, 125m, 200es 200es 4x2
    85- yt60, 110, 125m, 200x, 250sx, 250sx, 350x(storm trooper), missile
    86- 125, 125, klt110, alt125, klt185, ytm225drs
    87- 250sx, 125, 125

    (Coolster, wolverine, grizzly, taotao, trail rover, & Baja too)

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Paulding County, GA

    -a decent later style 110 steel seat pan with probably 3/4 of the hooks/tabs still there, good foam, and a new repop all black seat cover, but hasn't been assembled into a complete seat yet. I no longer own a 110 so don't need it, I'd take $50obo for it.

    -fourtrax 250 9" steel wheels that don't seem too bent or rusted, some paint left on them, has a junk set of tires on them. I believe these are the same wheels that are on '86-87 250es with the tapered lugnuts instead of the flat '85 style. I'd do $50obo for the set.

    -I believe is an OEM front tire from my 350x, probably 1/4-1/3 tread left, held air, not too dry rotted. Just replaced it with a front max because bike is a rider. $20obo or tell me a really good story.

    -OEM bw80 front tire that has probably 95% tread but is HARD, I think I nicked bead putting it on because it would leak but I didn't use brush on bead sealer back then, its like an 18-19" tall tire for a 10" wheel, I ran it on the front of my 250r before switching to a dedicated TT front tire. Free or tell me a good story.

    -If tonight's acquisition goes well I might have a 4 speed atc 70 bottom, a set of 3 wheels and tires, set of footpegs (I see 1 heel guard in picture, not sure about other side), a rear axle, and all 3 hubs, maybe one or two other little pieces. No prices in mind, I love to barter though.


    -I will need a tank and a seat for the 70, seat I want nice, okay with repop. Tank I don't want to pay oem steel tank prices, really looking for a plastic tank, maybe one of the repop metal or fiberglass ones.

    -I could use some 4x110 hubs, either flat trike ones or offset quad ones are fine.

    -I like green binders, shop manuals, addendums, set up instructions, and parts fiches for atc's. If you have any let me know, I'll have to go through my collection and set what I'm missing (I started a spreadsheet, should really finish that...). I don't like paying individual item prices/ebay prices, gotten to where I'm at now by making a couple bulk purchases, that's my preferred method.

    -Our group has decided BYOF (food) this year since last year got a little hectic with how big the group got and how much some contributed and how little others did. Seeing as I leave my ol lady at home every year I will be running the bare minimum bachelor style meal plan (I forsee lots of hot dogs and dry cereal in my future). That being said, by later in the week I would probably kill for a real 3 course meal so I will be open to bartering parts for a hot meal and a good story. We are the Georgia Trike Riders group, we'll have big tan carports, signs, banners, all those obnoxious lifted trikes, and plenty of ice cold beer and whiskey, stop by and be friendly.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Lisle, IL
    Looking for a tidy early 110 if anyone has one sitting around.

    Got 3 extra riders coming over from the UK this year. Good excuse to get the 70's a garage buddy.

  15. #15
    atc12 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerFirst time rider
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    Connor, I could sure use that bw80 tire for my kids big wheel!

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