Ijust bought into VibeHub, Stellar Lumens, Decentraland, and Ada/Cardano. So many promising projects. You guys should check out VibeHub they are doing some downright amazing things with virtual reality!
Decentraland looks cool too its a virtual reality where you buy plots of land. I dont know what its going to end up being if you can like build a house and ride 3 wheelers lol but its gonna be awesome thats for sure!
thangs arent looking too bright right now with South Korea saying they are going to ban crypto trading. bitcoin and ethereum are plummeting...
last time i looked at poliniex they werent taking new members until they catch up. binance is the only one ive had luck with lately but some of the currencies have super high fees. decentraland is like 15 bucks for a withdrawal!
binance doesnt make you do any of that unless your trading huge amounts. like 6 figures
ya almost all of them make you do that thats why i like binance. plus ive listened to the CEO speak and it at least seems their intentions are good. he was very intent on boosting customer support and sounded like he truly cares. of course im sure his main priority is still money
If not seen or covered before,This is what went down recently:
A Cryptocurrency trading and lending platform to store your coins, buy/trade for other coins and they had a program that would lend people Crpto to new people, (so they could trade, make money and pay the loan back),and it promises that if you lend, you will never lose a dime of what you lend, and promoted that you will actually make money by getting others into their program (Ponzi scheme) based on the number of referrals you send them, you are paid in Crypto.
So, who knows how many thousands of hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins (worth about 12K per coin), and or a combination of another coin based on Bitcoin, were actually in their systyem?
Lots of people had all their coins on there and the site went down for maintenance, which had often happened before. But a few days or a day later there was a message stating that their "lending portion" would be ending and they'd just concentrate on trading once back online. When they did get back online, they left yet another note something to the effect of: "Well were keeping all your Bitcoin that was in that program and we're beginning to refund the affected accounts. And instead of the valuable Bitcoin you had stored with us at BITCONNECT,we're gonna refund you 100% but in our coin BCC dollar for dollar".
BCC worth went from about 320$ a coin, down to DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
16.38$ per coin.
People lost millions of Bitcoin for a now worthless Cryptocurrency, and I didn't use them but watched allot of videos of people promoting them!!
Peace out, I gotta go finish my fork seal
All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country
Liberalism suspends the intellect of its victims, while at the same time tricking them into believing that they're smarter than everyone else.
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