I've decided to restore my RM 500. this will probably take years as parts are super rare and super expensive and the bike isnt much more than a frame. There is an engine but my brother is in possession of it although its mine and the way we get along means its gonna be an issue getting it back but I have to because the only thing ive found in the way of engines is a complete top end for 600$ and a famous racer's engine that bid up to 8600 and reserve wasn't met. I'm guessing an average condition engine would be 1500 to 2 grand maybe more. I first owned this bike when I was 12-13 years old its a 4 speed and insanely fast. Ive owned other 500s including cr 500s and I imagine the cr has more horsepower but I remember the rm being a lot faster. Probably the 4 speed tranny theres really no need for 5 gears when you have that much power. So ya this will be a slow moving thread but I hope to complete it someday.