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Thread: Kate Steinle verdict

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironchop View Post

    The fact remains, anyone with enough money can skip a murder or manslaughter rap. Ask OJ. Ask that "affluenza" kid who killed those people drunk driving. The system isn't stacked against non-whites like CNN and Democraps lead you to believe. Its stacked against the Poor. White poor. Black poor. Brown poor. All poor. You getting a public defender means you get a jail sentence guaranteed. That's why this guy walked. All the Liberal donors to his defence fund ensured he would walk and that "the ideology" of Sanctuary Cities survives to see another day (Ill bet Cali gets BILLIONS from the federal gov for these people or else broke-assed Cali wouldn't care about him one bit). Nobody cares one bit of some homeless white trash guy in California was killing people (its happened) but you put the "ethnic victim of the Week" on the news and now everyone feels so sorry for him and therefore his life is worth more than Jim Bob`s life....because racism.

    I`ll find the Malcolm X interview where he says exactly that much....that Liberal democrats use minorities to further political gain and control while duping them into voting for their brand of racism. Nothing has changed since he was assassinated. I know alot of folks don't care for Mr. X but he had a knack for labeling things more accurately than most (I didn't say he was right about everything he ever said)


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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    So what are you guys mad about again?

    Do you think it was murder or what?

    Do you think the jury that studied the evidence is wromg?

    A pilled out homeless guy picked up a loaded gun and fired a round. How sheltered are you guys?

    What does him being an immigrant have to do with anything?

    Where is the liability to the moron that left his gun laying there? None?

    It was a ricochet, correct?

    All serious questions.

    Yes ricochet

    I have not heard what occurred to the federal Bureau of Land Management who left his side arm in his vehicle used in this killing

    Being an illegal alien means that he had no right to reside in USA and become a pilled out homeless playing with a gun...that is the entire point of this BS verdict

    The jury was not aware of the fact this criminal was an illegal alien. The jurors should have known this POS was a criminal illegal. Why was this fact kept from the jurors?

    Finally the jury should have found defendant guilty of negligent homicide. Just because he found the gun and it went off accidentally killing a person is no different then a person running a red light and t boning another car resulting in a death of passenger in other vehicle.

  3. #63
    barnett468 is offline FACT ! I have no edit button Arm chair racerThe day begins with 3WW
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsox View Post
    Anyway, here is a guy who has grown to adulthood without a run in with the law. He gets this horrible disease through no fault of his own, and yet he still tries to maintain his independence. Well, the worst happened and people were killed. Its bad. They charge the guy with motor vehicle homicide. He's gonna go to jail. A decent person, who is dealt a bad hand, is going to jail. I can't help but wonder what would have happened to him if he was an illegal immigrant.


    "His attorney has said he's too sick w/MS to handle jail."
    He is too sick to go to jail yet he was well enough to drive a car into innocent people and kill them?

    "Your honor, although my client was well enough to spray a schoolyard with an uzi killing 32 children, we ask that he be given home confinement because he is too sick to handle jail.".

    "Prosecutors earlier said Casler’s Multiple Sclerosis did not play a factor in the crash – but speed did."

    "Prosecutors say Casler drove his Volkswagen SUV through a red light and intersection, hitting several cars before crashing through the front of the restaurant."

    "Your honor, it's not his fault because they had a sign in front clearly stating it was a "drive through" restaurant."

    There is no mention in the link you posted that he has "never had a "run in with the law." or that he crashed because his disease made it impossible for his legs to operate the pedals, although I'm confident there is more to the story than what is written in this link, however, if in fact his condition was the cause, and he was fully aware that he could have an episode at any time that would prohibit him from operating a vehicle safely, he then in fact willfully and intentionally endangered himself and peoples lives and should rot in jail for quite a while.

    Also, if he was fully aware that he could have an episode at any time that would prohibit him from operating a vehicle safely, he in fact is NOT a decent person, but is careless, reckless, and selfish, with little, to no regard, for the safety of others etc.

    In addition, if his doctor had determined that it was unsafe for him to operate a vehicle, he should have notified the department of motor vehicles whom should have addressed the situation. f his doctor determined it was unsafe for him to drive but he did not notify the department of motor vehicles, he is also partially liable. If he did notify the dmv and they took no action, they are partially responsible.

    As far as maintaining his independence and possibly not wanting to be a burden to others by having them drive him around etc, if his condition affected his legs but not affect his arms in any way, he could simply have had his vehicle outfitted with hand controls just like thousands of other disabled people have. Obviously not everyone has the money to have this done, however, being poor is not a valid excuse to endanger the lives of others and possibly kill some of them.


  4. #64
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    We've been here before....Crank it


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  5. #65
    barnett468 is offline FACT ! I have no edit button Arm chair racerThe day begins with 3WW
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledcrazyinct View Post
    being an illegal alien means that he had no right to reside in usa...

    Quote Originally Posted by sledcrazyinct View Post
    ...that is the entire point of this bs verdict


  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    "Just because he found the gun and it went off accidentally killing a person is no different then a person running a red light and t boning another car resulting in a death of passenger in other vehicle."

    Yes exactly, and the majority of accidental fatalities do not result in homocide convictions. I will concede that when under the influence it matters, but did the jury not know he was intoxicated?
    Was the jury comprised of illegals?

    There are a lot of immigrants. The only reason it matters is because border closers want to use it as an emotional pry bar.
    Jury was unaware that defendant was illegal alien with previous criminal record. To me that is wrong for a judge to hold back this information. For the record I approve of legal immigration only, and expect elected officials follow the laws set forth in this country.

    Emotional prybar? WTF does that mean. You of all people should be up for security on U.S. borders since food has become so scarce with a worldwide shortage.....people are starving by the billions all over the globe just because some humans are irresponsible and continue to procreate when our natural resources can't sustain current populations.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledcrazyinCT View Post
    Jury was unaware that defendant was illegal alien with previous criminal record. To me that is wrong for a judge to hold back this information. For the record I approve of legal immigration only, and expect elected officials follow the laws set forth in this country..
    The judges are as biased as ever and are SPECIFICALLY chosen by their respective political handlers and voters alike as such and specifically for their personal political biases.....hence the whole Dem/Repub throwdown over who gets to nominate a SCJ for the past several years. I`m sure this goon was no exception. These few years (decades) has seen numerous cases of the personal political bias of judges used to exert rule of law on political opponents for political reasons much like the IRS was busted for doing during the Kenyan administration. You only have the illusion of Justice and fairness in due process.

    On a side note, Bowling Green is a Sanctuary city dominated by Liberal douche nozzles....to be fair, if undocumented immigrants voted republican, the sides would be switched for certain and Democrats would call for a wall all the way to Hawaii to keep out "Fascists" as those immigrants would soon be called.

    However, here the ultimate agenda of these Liberals is on full display. Bosnians, Cambodians, Turks, Russians, Nepalese, Thai, Malaysian, Turkish Russians, Laotians, Burmese, SOmalians, Rwandans, Vietnamese, Ukranians, Crimeans, Macedonians, Serbians (nearby in Nashvegas), etc, etc. If its an arab, Asian, or African muslim refugee, theres an brand new section 8 apartment complex being built here in town to house the influx....over twenty complexes so far in two years.

    You want to know where these "do-gooders" put these new housing units? You want to know how much these Lefties like diversity? You want to know how NOT RACIST these leftists want you to think they are? I`ll tell you.

    THEY PUT ALL THESE REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS IN THE TRADITIONALLY AFRICAN AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOODS IN TOWN. That's right......they put them all on the other side of town. They don't move these people they "care about" so much into their own upper middle class neighborhoods. They don't want Bosnians and Somalians going to school with THEIR children. They wont even shop at the same Walmart that these people shop at. We have a "dark" Walmart and a "white" Walmart. They stay on the white side of town. They shop at white businesses and frequent predominately white areas. Meanwhile, they tweet away about how "inclusive" they are, how much white people suck, how much trump sucks, how much better Libs are than conservatives. They are scared to death of anyone here with brown skin.....meanwhile, the poorer white folks shop at the dark Walmart because they truly don't care who is inside and its closer to all the trailer parks. Once a year, every good BG Liberal shows up to International Festival to try out some Somali chicken tenders or a Ukranian cupcake and profess their undying loyalty to the idea of diversity and inclusivity along with all the ignorant kids at Western Kentucky U and when its all over, they split off into their little cliques and go home to the same neighborhood next to all the other white liberals pretending to be selfless and 'on the right side'....its honestly pathetic. They also have taken to running all the homeless out of town and then do such things as the BGPD Holiday Blankets for the Homeless campaign as if it makes up for this hypocrisy. They are giving away cheap housing, free food, free healthcare, job placement, job training, small business startup loans to Duk To Hung and Alawadi bin Salem but they shutdown all the public showers in our city parks because homeless people don't deserve a free hot shower because it encourages them to camp out in the park and we cant have people dependent on city services for basic hygiene. Perhaps if they expatriated to Honduras and then came back undocumented, a Liberal would actually give a damn. Until homeless people are the agenda again, they only way one of them will get attention is by being an illegal. They`ll see these democrats again though when they send interns into those neighborhoods every couple years to canvas and pass out voting instructions on how to vote Democrat.

    Democrats prefer to throw taxpayer funds at these people from the other side of town. Then again, Ive been told by some of them that they voted for Hillary because she was a woman and Obama because he was black so I cant say I'm surprised in the least. It would be foolish to think that such obviously biased, sexist, and racist people could be trusted with important decisions at the ballot box or the jury pool. Try finding 12 conservative jurors in San Francisco.....Hell, I challenge you to find six. He couldn't have killed someone in a more accommodating city than the one he squatted in. Now if he were a mere homeless Latino with no chance at being a pawn for Fienstein/Pelosi/ Donkey Party Inc, he would have been rounded up and thrown out of livin under the 101 and perhaps Kate would still be alive and Prophets of Rage would've written another song about it......Leftist madness.


    This case is no different. It never was about immigrants. Its all about Left vs. Right. Its not about a ricochet either. It isn't about a misplaced gun. You didn't intend to hit a guy and kill him with your car after 14 beers but you did and now you get a manslaughter charge just like the two drivers that killed two of my friends... and my friend from HS with no priors who got drunk at a party playing with a shotgun when we were in our twenties and killed his best friend accidentally....seven years in prison for involuntary manslaughter.....but if he`d had money for a better defense or maybe been undocumented, he would have stood a better chance of being crowd-funded by Rachel Madcow sycophants and walked free for diversity sake. You mean to tell me that those people`s blood-alcohol content was admissive in court but that Garcia guy admitting being high on sleeping pills was not? You show me a white or black American citizen seven-time felon who walks for the same charge. I wonder how this makes black folks feel. While they are fighting hard nationally to be recognized as citizens with rights to our Justice System, Garcia walks free for the same thing a black man would have received seven years or more in prison and it was based not on his priors, as black folks would be, but based solely on the condition of his citizenship, the economic ability to have a good defense team because he is a political pawn of Latino ethnicity, and a political climate that exhaults all undocumented peoples and only few blacks when it suits the political careers of some. Apparently white Liberals have decided Mexicans are worthy of due process more than American blacks. The proof is in the concerted effort to get him off. I`m waiting for that half-white guy Kaperdick who speaks for all blacks somehow to take a knee in front of the Golden Gate bridge in protest.

    Anyone who says this is due process is fooling themselves. Our American Justice system, right down to the juries, are stacked just like our Electoral System is to ensure that only the powerful decide who is worthy of civil rights and representation under the law and who is not. You either buy your own verdict through cash and lawyers or you use political leverage.

    And Sled, I`m with you on approving of legal immigration too. But since the Left has turned even that into xenophobia or racism, every dingbat fack-up all over this country wails incessantly about how The Right wants all immigration prevented or obstructed. Its like saying pro-choice folks only want to kill all the babies on the planet. I think its a personality disorder, honestly.

    Funny, huh? "Don't you dare stereotype me while I`m stereotyping you". I'm under no impression that a wall will stop a damn thing. Just ask those Cartel tunnel crews digging under San Diego right now how effective a wall will be.
    Last edited by ironchop; 12-04-2017 at 05:05 PM.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    "Just because he found the gun and it went off accidentally killing a person is no different then a person running a red light and t boning another car resulting in a death of passenger in other vehicle."

    Yes exactly, and the majority of accidental fatalities do not result in homocide convictions. I will concede that when under the influence it matters, but did the jury not know he was intoxicated?
    Was the jury comprised of illegals?

    There are a lot of immigrants. The only reason it matters is because border closers want to use it as an emotional pry bar.
    Here is a comparative example for you to consider Damon...

    As a nearly 20 year CDL-A holder, I can tell you a few things about truck drivers and how easily something that was not the truck driver's fault becomes the truck driver's fault. Any time a commercial vehicle is involved in a fatal accident, that truck is impounded and treated as evidence and then gone over with a very fine toothed comb checking all of the major systems on the truck for anything wrong. Things like brake adjustments, brake component condition, brake component absence, suspension components, and on and on. Along with those things, the driver's log book is investigated several days back in time before the accident. Also, the driver is required by law to be drug and alcohol tested immediately after the accident. If ANY of these things show that the truck should not have been in that spot at that time to be involved in the accident in the first place, be it mechanical violations, log book violations, or the driver tested positive for drugs or alcohol, the whole thing is pinned on the driver. The way they look at it is even if a drunk ran a red light and went under the trailer, that truck should never have been there in the first place.

    The way many of us see it, is that guy should not have been in this country to "accidentally" discharge that weapon in the first place. And beyond that, in Cali I'm sure it is illegal for a non-licensed individual to posses a handgun, besides the fact that in general, non-citizens are not permitted to posses a firearm of any kind unless that person has navigated the red tape to use a firearm in a guided hunt or other such legitimate purpose. So besides the fact he shouldn't have been here in the first place, he by his own actions committed a crime that any one of the rest of us would have been charged with and most likely convicted of.

    As to the agent who "lost" his sidearm?? I'm sure he is dealing with some pretty serious repercussions (as he should IMHO) but I admit I have not dug into that aspect of this topic.

    And one more thing: firearms in proper mechanical condition do not "accidentally go off"... I seriously doubt that agent's weapon was mechanically compromised
    Last edited by RIDE-RED 250r; 12-04-2017 at 05:27 PM.
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  9. #69
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    Damn I've missed you Doug!

    The singular answer to ALL of these problems we are trying to endure is to get back to the Constitution and get back to being a nation of laws and not men. I know it's cliche to say it, but it's true.
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  10. #70
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    I disagree Damon. Yes, the rightful "owner" bears a level of responsibility for losing his weapon. And being that CA is just as strict if not more so than my home state of NY when it comes to firearms, I' pretty confident something is happening on that front.

    However, let's forget that Garcia was here illegally for a second. He, by his own actions, picked up a firearm he was prohibited from even touching at that point, placed his finger on the trigger and pulled. You accounting of your own accidental discharge of a weapon indicates a clear violation of one of several rules in firearms handling that should never be taken for granted. And that is to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready and committed to destroy something. You do not have to understand the English language to know this, so in this sense his immigration status is moot. There are other ways he could have handled finding that weapon laying on the ground, all would have been better than picking it up and pulling the trigger causing the death of that woman. That action alone is negligent homicide or manslaughter and neither have a thing to do with his immigration status. His immigration status coupled with the categorical defiance of immigration law by these "sanctuary-fill-in-the-blank" and their elected leaders adds insult to the injury because frankly, he never should have been here to commit the crime. I would expect any other citizen to be charged, tried, and hopefully convicted for this act. The case that Joe S referenced that just occurred this past Thanksgiving Eve involving a deer hunter shooting well after legal shooting hours killing a woman who was walking her dogs 200 yards away. He has formally been charged with manslaughter and rightfully faces 5-15 years. It all comes back to the personal responsibility when handling a firearm.
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  11. #71
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    I don't disagree with you on most of that Damon and I don't take it that you are excusing the action. But I don't think it made headlines simply because brown killed white. It made headlines because it is 5-time deported illegal kills citizen. That is the hot politics of it and why it made headlines IMHO for the reason that he shouldn't have been here in the first place. I don't believe there is or should be any extra penalty for the charge due to his status, I guess I'm just trying to say it makes the whole thing that much more of a tragedy because the failure of one system (Immigration) was the first domino in the chain of events that resulted in the loss of innocent life and IMHO the gross failure of another system. (the justice system). And further tragedy is the fairly obvious miscarriage of justice because of politics and not rule of law
    Last edited by RIDE-RED 250r; 12-04-2017 at 07:50 PM.
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  12. #72
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    Just catching up here. Chop,, two GREAT posts!!! Awesome.

    Sled, things are kept from the jury ALL THE TIME. Its an abomination. Its a tool lawyers use to control the outcome of cases. They pick and choose facts and its, IMO, unconstitutional. (although its everyday practice) The idea is that this fact or that fact would somehow "bias" the jury. Facts are facts! How can a FACT bias anyone? Judges and Lawyers want control in the courts, but they profess that Jurors are the backbone and all that BS. In reality, Jurors are rarely used, and when they are, they don't get all the information. You see, these same judges and lawyers don't trust the sense of the regular joe to make the "right" decision, so they manipulate the facts given to them. Then, when the Not Guilty comes down, people point fingers at the Jury. Its mind boggling. Are you guys familiar with the Aaron Hernandez murder case??? You know, the guy that used to play for that greatest football team in the history of the world? Ya, him. What a story that is. Gay sex, drugs, and multiple murders. Oh my! But what you guys probably don't know, because it was downplayed so much to hide the gay sex aspect, is that Oden Lloyd, the third murder victim, sent a text to his family on the night he was killed, because he knew he was gonna get killed. He texted to his family something like, "If anything happened to me, I'm with NFL, just so you know." That statement,,,, essentially the last words of a dying man, was not allowed into evidence at the trial! Take a second to let that sink in. The murder victim leaves a message about his killer, and its left out because it might prejudice the jury against the defendant. ISN"T THAT THE PURPOSE OF EVIDENCE???? To give to the jury to let THEM decide ??? Its infuriating to me. The system is a joke. Sorry for the rant.

    Barn,, i don't disagree with any of what you say, but don't you feel, as a human being, that there is a sad difference between the Sweet Tomatoes case and the Steinle case? I do believe that intent should play a role in sentencing.
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  13. #73
    barnett468 is offline FACT ! I have no edit button Arm chair racerThe day begins with 3WW
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsox View Post
    Barn,, ... I do believe that intent should play a role in sentencing.
    Yes, intent should be considered so it often is, however, one obvious problem is that a person committing a crime etc, is often, if not always, the only one that truly knows what their intent was unless possibly they are insane. Intent is one factor that attorneys use to determine the charges against people. I'm reasonably certain that the guy that turned the restaurant into a drive thru had no "willful" intent to do so but that does not mean that he was not intentionally negligent. It's certainly not as if his brakes simply failed through no fault of his own because of a defective part, in which case, the part mfg could be held liable under some circumstances. I, and I'm sure many others here including yourself are aware of cases where mfgs have been sued due to injuries sustained because of a faulty part. Most everyone is aware of the flaming Ford Pinto law suit as one example. When I worked at Kawasaki we were in the initial stages of being sued by some police officers that crashed while pursuing someone on their police bike because they claimed it was unstable at high speeds.

    I was part of the test team that had to test the bike to see if the claims were true, and we ultimately proved they were not, however, I did do some modifications to the bike that increased high speed stability which Kawi incorporated into the next years model. Then there was the eternal lawsuits over KH500, aka, "The Widow Maker.".

    Anyway, intent was certainly a question the jury legally had to consider in the Steinle case, and since they couldn't prove the guy intentionally shot her or had any intent to shoot anyone, they certainly couldn't convict him of murder/homicide in any degree.

    Someone here asked about charging the shooter in the Steinle case with involuntary manslaughter, and it was one option given to the jury by the Judge, however, by California's definition of that law, the shooters actions may not have met the necessary criteria to be charged with manslaughter as horrendous and repugnant as that may seem to some.

    The link below is the actual law pertaining to manslaughter in California.



  14. #74
    Mosh is offline I'm the one with all the 2 stroke around here! The day begins with 3WW
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    More slander. Never threatened anyone. I threatened to stand next to somebody and mosh turned it into his own story. You people are pathetic.
    Good grief man, you are a head case...Facts..
    Your boy Barnett came on here acting a dick while I was a moderator. I called him out on his outlandish claims and stories, and you had to interject on your own will and get involved in something that never concerned you. Your only recourse at the time was to attack my wife's business and threaten her with actual "slander" and "defamation of her business and character" and drag her into something she was never involved in..Save your BS, we have still have all the PM's to back it up mostly because we still have access to our original accounts because we have not been banned 23 times and had to start numerous accounts just to get on here and be a troll.

    I mean come one man..that is a reach..Here we are..I have not been a moderator for almost 3 years, virtually have no involvement here anymore..And yet the last 3 years of your nonsense is still not YOUR fault..You have been banned over and over by other moderators, started numerous accounts, that YOU manage to piss everyone off with, forcing your latest alter ego, and yet (I...MOSH) is to blame for all of it.. Yea right.... I jumped on your keyboard, typed all your combative, argumentative, degrading, demeaning posts under your 6 different accounts conspired to have 5 other bans put on you by admins who have no communication with me...Right...That is all my doing..Get bent...

    You are friggin psychotic dude..Good luck with that in life..." I could of, should of, would of, been..... king of the world if it wasn't for (Mr. X- Y or Z)..Your lack of willingness to accept responsibility for YOUR own actions is strikingly related to a handful of other nut jobs in the trike circle, that we have all seen come and go, fvck up, and blame it on others over the last 20 years. There must be a quota that has to be filled somewhere in trike people asshatery, cuz we get one or 2 about every 5 years, that span 5 years and leaves a wake of destructivity and divide, behind them. Congrats on your legacy..Or maybe I should pat myself on the back for that one, since it is all my fault...LMFAO

    What I find absolutely astonishing here, is the fact you are in a thread, trying to condone the fact a " illegal intruder " that has been banned from the country multiple times and problems, reintroduced himself, to commit a felony, gets away scott free to possibly do more damage down the road. The fact that it closely mirrors your involvement with this forum and your actions is disgustingly relevant..
    However, I agree with the admins, which I have been in very short order of doing in recent years, that there is nothing you can do to curb your repetitive trolling, disgusting behavior. You will just find your way back over the wall. We don't have a wall, problem, judicial problem, political problem, or conspiracy problem. We have a society morality problem and you are a perfect representative for it.
    Here is where my long useless list of stuff nobody cares about should go...

    Proudly NOT a member of

    "Team on the Teat"

  15. #75
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    Note: Do Not be dumbed down to equate or equally see sanctuary cities as the New Underground Railroad. The blighted cities across America are desperate to fill the voids of their taxbase. They are looking to fill the areas no one wants with Refugees on quickpass government supported visa to gain more Social votes.

    How is it possible you couldn't be told as a jurior the accused is a 6 time offender as an illegal. HEPA ? Liberal courts to undocumented law breakers are harsher on an American black man with 3rocks of crack. The courts pleaded the accused wasn't educated and just found the gun laying on the ground....I think he stole the gun originally, he was about to rob someone and the gun was jammed( he couldn't rack it) already chambered. He squeezes the trigger bang! Although the intent of the bullet wasn't ment for harm when loaded originally, the finger that pulled the trigger is a repeated criminal with NO rights for his criminal past to be covered up as character facts to determine his fate.

    That's one Judge that has to be relieved, to honor this girls death.

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