Howdy! New guy here, my name's Sean. I've been lurking for a little bit getting inspiration/motivation for my latest side project. Little backstory: I live in SoCal, usually hitting Superstition with the occasional jaunt over to Ocotillo. I'm young, broke, and no stranger to fab work but most of my spending money will be going toward this thing anyway (I'm not good enough to make my own exhaust just yet lol). I'm used to riding around on a stock Raptor 660 so this will be an exciting changeup. I recently bought my neighbor's '86 250R for $400 - sounds like a good deal, but it's been sitting as a basket case for the past 15 years, needs an entire rotating assembly and much more but I'm sticking to it anyway! Once upon a time my family owned an '85 and an '86 but they both literally burned to the ground in 2003 when some brutal wildfires rolled through San Diego county. Broke my heart so here I am, fully committed to bringing this old girl back to life. Anyway I'm real excited to be among a group of like-minded (read: similarly deranged) group of people! Love looking at all the beautiful bikes on here, can't wait for mine to become part of the ranks.