85 350x
83 200x-sold
×2 85 200x-sold
06 kx250f-sold
86 tecate-sold
86 tri z powervalved
85 BIG red
18 rmz250
87 lt80
19 ttr110
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
85 350x
83 200x-sold
×2 85 200x-sold
06 kx250f-sold
86 tecate-sold
86 tri z powervalved
85 BIG red
18 rmz250
87 lt80
19 ttr110
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
It took a little bit longer than expected, but I managed to get the rear brakes bled last night. No fancy vacuum pump necessary here, just the old fashioned, tried & true, brake bleeding procedure:
1. Put 8mm box wrench on bleed valve.
2. Attach clear brake bleed hose to bleed valve.
3. Put other end of brake bleed hose into a jar of brake fluid, and keep the loose end of hose submerged in brake fluid.
4. Fill the reservoir with clean brake fluid.
5. Depress the brake pedal.
6. Crack open the bleed valve.
7. Watch for air bubbles to come out of bleed valve.
8. Close the bleed valve.
9. Repeat steps 5-8, and step 4 as necessary, to ensure reservoir never runs dry and sucks in air, until brake pedal is no longer spongy, but firm.
It is a small reservoir, but I must have refilled it at least 15 times, before I had gotten all of the air out of the line.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
There's been a whole lot of progress on the Tecate as of late. Now that all of the handlebar controls are finalized, I was able to get the hacked-up, wiring harness, & connections all sorted out, and tidied up. The original, OEM kill switch had seen better days, so we found a nice billet kill switch to use instead. The headlight switch was missing altogether, and the lights were wired to be on continuously. To solve the lighting issue, I found the OEM lighting switch for a Kawasaki KLX 300 to be pretty close to the Tecate's, if not exact, and it was still available from Kawasaki. During the re-wiring process, the Tecate wiring diagram was a very nice asset to have. It guided me correctly throughout, and when it was all complete, we got spark! I also incorporated an '87 key switch, into the wiring harness at the same time.
After tearing into the wiring harness, I still can't believe this thing ran when we got it. So many connections were just stripped wires, twisted together, and wrapped with electrical tape. Although at some point, the previous owner really stepped up their electrical game, and used crimped-together connections, and then proceeded to wrap those with electrical tape.
We had no luck finding an aftermarket, aluminum grab bar for a 1986-87 Tecate, so we got an AC Racing, grab bar for a 200X/350X, and then modified it to fit. As an added benefit, this grab bar is longer, so I was able to extend it out as far as possible, which will compensate for the +4" longer swingarm, if we ever want, or need, to stand the bike up on it's tail.
Last edited by Red Rider; 01-22-2024 at 02:29 PM.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
That trike is gorgeous! Great work!!!
It sucks to get old
When this build first started, one of the first things we purchased was a CEET tank skin, to cover up the typical, stained, original tank. Now that mr tecate has decided to go all in on this Tecate, he purchased a new Clarke gas tank. We had read quite a few complaints about Clarke's plastic gas caps breaking fairly quickly, and since mr tecate likes all things billet, he purchased a billet gas cap from Clarke as well. We knew about the dreaded blemish, from the Tecate tank mold at Clarke, but had also heard, that the blemish isn't too bad on the latest Tecate tanks from them. On this tank, the blemish is there, but honestly, it isn't too bad. I've definitely seen worse ones. It is still a shame that it is there at all though. The color, of the tank, matches the ORI front fender nicely, but is no where near as shiny. After snapping a few pics of the tank, mr tecate took it, so he could drop it off at his buddy's body shop, where it will get the blemish sanded out, and the tank polished up a bit.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
It's looking super nice.
That was a good call on the cap.
I think it was after the vent nipple broke on the second cap, I bought a billet one. Not from Clarke though, because if the cap that came with the tank wouldn't hold up better than that, it felt like a forced upsale. I don't remember ever having a OEM plastic cap break like that. I bought a Tusk brand one.
There was a bit of concern about how it would play with the plastic tank threads, but after years of use, there's no damage. I don't get carried away with tightening it though.
The story of three wheels and a man...
Thanks ATC King. We did see the billet caps from Tusk, but they weren't available in green, and the Clarke ones were. Then, mr tecate decided to go bare aluminum instead of the green, because it didn't look like Clarke's green anodizing would match the green anodizing everywhere else on his Tecate.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
Here's a pic of the dreaded Clarke, Tecate tank mold blemish, after sanding out the blemish, and lightly polishing the entire tank. We're pretty pleased with the outcome.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
Beautiful build, you continue to out-do yourself. A group of us East Coasters are meeting up with our West Coast brethren in the dunes next week, you and Mr. Tecate should come out if you can
Looking for a Bassani silencer for a 2nd gen tecate, the style with the movable mount. 1st gen will work
Thanks 86T3. Sounds fun, but this is still a ways from being completed, but we’re definitely getting closer. The new pipe is finally enroute!
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
Mr tecate finally received his new Dynoport pipe this afternoon. He brought it out tonight, so we could check it out, and see how well it fits. It's a little bit tight, against the rear of the cylinder/head area, but nothing a few well-placed spacers, on the exhaust hangers, won't cure. We wish the ceramic coating was a bit shinier, but all in all, we're pretty pleased with it. Some light buffing, with a micro-fiber towel, did seem to improve the sheen of the coating quite a bit, so we'll have to give that a try.
Last edited by Red Rider; 02-27-2024 at 02:39 AM.
Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14
It’s tempting to want a chrome pipe on a ride like that, but long term that coating will outlast chrome by decades. This has got to be one of the best looking Tecate builds of all time![]()
It sucks to get old