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Thread: 200x class at the NEETD TT Nationals 2017.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Buffalo, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey Dunlap View Post
    I talked to Tim last year about his rules about engines, he didn't even know how to figure out cc math. He didn't know you could bore a 350x up to .080 when we talked about cc limits. The way he made rule was stupid, he wanted to keep the rules as to stock sleeves only and no strokers so the 200x running in bigger classes could only run a .040 over piston. Here's the thing, I was willing to work with him, but he refused to talk to me, wouldn't answer my messages when I reached out to him so it was point less after I had already OKed it with Shawn, so I don't care. I tried to work with him because he doesn't understand motors, so I thought we could work together so he could understand why we need to do the classes this way. So if someone doesn't want to work with you, just like you, I can't help you to understand. The bottom line is there will be a 200 4 stroke class next year, if you guys come up with some rules , great, I'll work with that. What I say isn't written in stone but Shawn hasn't said anything but OK to me. I don't see anything to add to it but that's why it would be a good thing to work together on it, but you guys don't want to talk with me, I can'y help you if you are going to act like little kids.

    You have one race where the 200r crashed out and one good rider on a fast 200x you are basing everything on, that no way to figure out a class. You need to under stand engines, plus you need to look at the history, and what worked back in the day too. This sport is growing, the 200xes are just waiting for this class. It's going to happen.
    Those are lies too Mickey and you know it. Tim said to keep the 350x limit at .040 overbore, since that was the biggest piston made. You wanted it at .080 so you could have custom pistons made. And you know what happened? He let you! Cause he's a decent person who can work with others. You said there were no strokers allowed for the 200xs, but that simply wasn't true. You didn't even know the rules for the class, that's a fact. You said I did the know the rules, but i was right and you were wrong. I can post the screenshot if you want. And yes, I'm sorry but one race is enough to say 200xs can compete, especially if it's the longest track in the series. Matt's a good rider, sure, but there are many good riders. And he was in FRONT of Dwight when he crashed. Matt even got next to Jacob a couple times if you watch the whole video. Why can't you just admit you createdon't the class to get away from Dwight and Jacob? Not their trikes, the riders?

    But back to what I've been trying to say, waithe till the rules come out to start telling people what you think are the rules. The engine rules will mirror the Lites class (no restrictions), but I think the minimum number for a class will be different. We worked with you, even though you went behind our backs, I don't see why you cant extend a little courtesy to me.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by jays375 View Post
    Honestly don't care.Moved on.The issue was the size of the pipe.My motor is mildly built.That pipe is much better suited for a all out fully moded motor.I had the spark arrestor installed so I could ride it on state atv trails.At the time it was my only trike.
    Do you know that the head pipes are the same as the DG pipe? So sorry but it wasn't as I thought, I'm letting you know what I found as I got the pipe in my hands. You should be thanking me for selling it for you but that would be beyond you to dare say something nice. Just tried to help you understand.

  3. #48
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    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Don't care,not a nice guy.Ask people.You burned that bridge a long time ago.Like you have with so many others.Time to delete this whole mess.One that you created.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by 86T3 View Post
    Those are lies too Mickey and you know it. Tim said to keep the 350x limit at .040 overbore, since that was the biggest piston made. You wanted it at .080 so you could have custom pistons made. And you know what happened? He let you! Cause he's a decent person who can work with others. You said there were no strokers allowed for the 200xs, but that simply wasn't true. You didn't even know the rules for the class, that's a fact. You said I did the know the rules, but i was right and you were wrong. I can post the screenshot if you want. And yes, I'm sorry but one race is enough to say 200xs can compete, especially if it's the longest track in the series. Matt's a good rider, sure, but there are many good riders. And he was in FRONT of Dwight when he crashed. Matt even got next to Jacob a couple times if you watch the whole video. Why can't you just admit you createdon't the class to get away from Dwight and Jacob? Not their trikes, the riders?

    But back to what I've been trying to say, waithe till the rules come out to start telling people what you think are the rules. The engine rules will mirror the Lites class (no restrictions), but I think the minimum number for a class will be different. We worked with you, even though you went behind our backs, I don't see why you cant extend a little courtesy to me.
    There you go again with telling me I'm lying, Tim DIDN'T KNOW THAT A 350X COULD BE BORED .080 OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't know the motors, that's why he said yes, .080 over was OK! He just looked in a Wiseco book to make his rules. Never did he tell me stokers were OK with 200xes, in fact he said .040 stock sleeves were the rules. Then I guess he changed that for the lites class. The proof of that is I told Regina Ditch shouldn't have raced the lites class with his 250cc 200x, I didn't know they changed it. So you can stop thinking you know what I did or didn't know. I told Ditch he shouldn't have rode that class also, ask both of them.

    As far as trying to get away from Dwight and Jacob, that's a big joke, we will win against both of them this year, I'm looking forwards to it. Ask Dwight if he thinks we can't beat him on our 350x, he knows we were right there the first time Ditch ever rode the bike. I have more HP I'm getting out of the and at least one if not 2 better riders coming into that class too. we are going to smoke that class! So your BS doesn't hold water in any way shape or form!

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by jays375 View Post
    Don't care,not a nice guy.Ask people.You burned that bridge a long time ago.Like you have with so many others.Time to delete this whole mess.One that you created.
    There will always be people like you, you try to help them understand something and they just don't
    get it. What a shame!

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Now if that isn't the pot calling kettle black.Besides you had no pipe to go with your big bore 350x kit.Or a simple DG would have worked for you.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by jays375 View Post
    Now if that isn't the pot calling kettle black.Besides you had no pipe to go with your big bore 350x kit.Or a simple DG would have worked for you.

    I just got a DG in here last week from a customer getting he Ditch Lites class kit and that's the first time I had one in my hands.

  8. #53
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    Buffalo, NY
    3 Wheeler Lites 200/350 - (Age 14+) Modified . CC and Engine Limitations: Engine
    CC Maximum allowed: 200cc maximum two stroke engines, liquid cooled 4 stroke
    motors up to 300cc maximum (Example: crf250) and air cooled 4 stroke motors up to
    350cc maximum 4 stroke (example 350x) .

    These are the rules from the NEEDT website, exactly the way they were when they were posted almost a year ago. You thought strokers weren't allowed and that what you told people, but they were. This is the exact reason I'm asking you to stop advertising what you think are the rules for this new class. I'm willing to work with you, you are showing everyone your character by continuing to argue about it. Please wait till the rules come out before you tell people what the rules are. That's all I'm asking
    Looking for a Bassani silencer for a 2nd gen tecate, the style with the movable mount. 1st gen will work

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    Hyndman PA
    Quote Originally Posted by 86T3 View Post
    3 Wheeler Lites 200/350 - (Age 14+) Modified . CC and Engine Limitations: Engine
    CC Maximum allowed: 200cc maximum two stroke engines, liquid cooled 4 stroke
    motors up to 300cc maximum (Example: crf250) and air cooled 4 stroke motors up to
    350cc maximum 4 stroke (example 350x) .

    These are the rules from the NEEDT website, exactly the way they were when they were posted almost a year ago. You thought strokers weren't allowed and that what you told people, but they were. This is the exact reason I'm asking you to stop advertising what you think are the rules for this new class. I'm willing to work with you, you are showing everyone your character by continuing to argue about it. Please wait till the rules come out before you tell people what the rules are. That's all I'm asking
    I never even went to their web site, I went by what Tim was telling me BEFORE there was a Lites class, get it. I was bitching at him because the rules were no strokers for classes the 200x could run in! Like the vintage class, what are the rules for that, does anyone even know? He said only bores that could fit in the stock sleeves as he seen in the Wiseco book. That's when we got into it over the 350x being able to run a .080 over like White Brothers and Powroll had in the day. Those rules don't say anything about the .080 over rule so they are not complete either, or maybe you have to run stock bores on your 30 year old machine? So what is anyone supposed to know about anything with rules like that.

  10. #55
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    I just went to their web site, I don't even see where the rules are, please send me a link

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Mickey you know the rules.Just went through this whole mess on facebook.Time to put it to rest.You really think this is good publicty?

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jays375 View Post
    Mickey you know the rules.Just went through this whole mess on facebook.Time to put it to rest.You really think this is good publicty?
    You know I going to start in on you. For almost 2 years you have been mad at me for telling you to buy that pipe, you have held this grudge with me over this and have followed me around being a real dick to me. Now I find out you had a spark arrester put in it, and that was the problem the whole time. I held off using the stupid word but that's what you are. I can't fix stupid. You are not even man enough to say you are sorry when all I did to you was try to help you, you are beyond pathetic!

    The only rules I knew back before the lites class is what Tim told me so shut up and stay away from me because I'm going to let everyone know how stupid you are for blaming me for what you had done to this pipe!

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, NY
    Here's the rules for the NEEDT, just click on the link for the rules. It's a pdf.


    Here's the link to the rules discussion last year, 4th post from the bottom. It says clear as day, no limitations other than displacement, 200cc 2 stroke 350cc 4 stroke. No where does it say no strokers. You caused your own problem, don't blame Tim.

    Looking for a Bassani silencer for a 2nd gen tecate, the style with the movable mount. 1st gen will work

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    You honestly think that is the issue?Wow!Way off on that one bud.Plus never once did I call you names.You think of yourself as a superior being to everyone.Hate to tell you but there is a lot of guys who know way more than you do.Average guys who have a real passion for this sport that it is today.Guys who put in40 hrs a week at a job.Your still stuck in the old days.So isn't your engine builds.

  15. #60
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    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Also it is NEEDT.Wouldn't want people confused on that one

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