TC doesn't use Powroll cranks is what he told me.Plus not a fan of big bores either.Said power can be made elsewhere and have durability.
TC doesn't use Powroll cranks is what he told me.Plus not a fan of big bores either.Said power can be made elsewhere and have durability.
You absolutely knew where to go to talk about a new class because you went there last year to talk about the Lites class. You're a liar. You kinda appologized once, but at the end you made a right turn and said you were right anyways. That's why people are so pissed at you, you are the one who doesn't get it. I don't give aabout volumetric efficiency, I saw a 200x take second at pine lake! Are you that dense that you deny that! On the longest track in the series where it should have the biggest disadvantage, not that you know much about it since you have gone to 3 races over the last 2 years. You don't friggin get it man. Don't let me stop you though, keep talking about your new class in ads for your motors, axles, and fenders.
Looking for a Bassani silencer for a 2nd gen tecate, the style with the movable mount. 1st gen will work
Thanks Joe but Iv been collecting parts to build a liquid r. I will have 2 liquid rs for racing next year. Id rather spend 2 grand on a liquid R racer then spend $3500 and up for a modded out 200x. I hope the rules will be for 200 class not limited to 200xs only. There are a lot of decent 200 motors out there Blaster,KDX 200, to name a couple but if these guys build a blaster or kdx 200 conversion they will be forced to run against 250rs 350xs if someone gets his way. But aslong as the poor little super modded 200xs get there own class at least 1 guy will be happy.
250r rules
I talked to Tim last year about his rules about engines, he didn't even know how to figure out cc math. He didn't know you could bore a 350x up to .080 when we talked about cc limits. The way he made rule was stupid, he wanted to keep the rules as to stock sleeves only and no strokers so the 200x running in bigger classes could only run a .040 over piston. Here's the thing, I was willing to work with him, but he refused to talk to me, wouldn't answer my messages when I reached out to him so it was point less after I had already OKed it with Shawn, so I don't care. I tried to work with him because he doesn't understand motors, so I thought we could work together so he could understand why we need to do the classes this way. So if someone doesn't want to work with you, just like you, I can't help you to understand. The bottom line is there will be a 200 4 stroke class next year, if you guys come up with some rules , great, I'll work with that. What I say isn't written in stone but Shawn hasn't said anything but OK to me. I don't see anything to add to it but that's why it would be a good thing to work together on it, but you guys don't want to talk with me, I can'y help you if you are going to act like little kids.
You have one race where the 200r crashed out and one good rider on a fast 200x you are basing everything on, that no way to figure out a class. You need to under stand engines, plus you need to look at the history, and what worked back in the day too. This sport is growing, the 200xes are just waiting for this class. It's going to happen.
Do you think its going to be fair if a kid shows up at his first race with a modded tri-moto 175 and is told you have to race in the lites class.
250r rules
That's their rules, I don't think there is a majority of those trikes out there that they are going to fit in any where. Just look at the numbers sold , over 100,000 200xes a year in 83'-85', more then any other sport ATC. they should have there own class. The lites class has every different kind of ATC out there in it now, from 150cc mini, ATC 70's so why not a Tri-moto 175.
Mickey when you come to the dinner table, it's not polite to call the person who set the table stupid.
Move in a more positive direction and don't take the bait cause you love to argue. For the most part the creation of any class means there's enough growth to do so. I see it from both sides and each has their own reasonings to agree with. The YT Stock 185 ballon tire class my yet see it's day again. To throw disparaging words that some newbie shouldn't even come race because the classes are unfair due to big pocketed builds isn't bring on the"NEW" as much as Welcome to racing gate up and have fun! Trophy chasers IMO don't smile anymore than I do after a race. If 80% of why we do what we is near identical we can keep the 20% polar differences to ourselves and work forward. The fact is its human nature to dislike change, just like the ease of nit picking negativity.
250r rules
I agree when it comes to the way I talk I'm a tell it the way it is type of guy, like it or not I am what I am. The positive thing about it is you know what I mean and I mean what I say. I sit here and have to hear what people say is my motive, they can't see my passion they think they can read my mind and try to tell me what my motives are, so I tell them the truth, and they can't get that through their heads. So I'll be blunt and tell them over and over. You only get at best 30 percent of the whole story when someone tells their opinions on what I'm doing, so I call stuff stupid, I don't have another word for it, so I call it as it looks to me. I try to be as upfront and honest, but some just can't handle the truth. It is what it is. Bottom line is we will all just sit back and see how it goes next year.
Honestly don't care.Moved on.The issue was the size of the pipe.My motor is mildly built.That pipe is much better suited for a all out fully moded motor.I had the spark arrestor installed so I could ride it on state atv trails.At the time it was my only trike.
Besides,you only brought that up to create more trouble.It has no bearing on the current topic.
It is point less to have a 200 class with 2 strokes and 4 strokes, it didn't work before 30 years ago, so Honda spent $30,000 per 200r so they could win. They had 200xes, that wouldn't run with Team Green and all the other 200 2 stroke de-bored engines. It comes down to a overwelming amount of 4 stroke 200xes that are already to go wanting a class where they can race on something they can run against. It's all about the numbers. It's not about Mickey, get that out of your mind. I just happen to be a person that know there is a market for this class and it's up to the promoter if he was to take advantage of that.