First off, thanks to all who participated this year.
2016 was the first year with full face helmet requirement.
Couple new rules going into effect for 2017.
For the first time, there will be a 2 point tech inspection before MX.
There will be a station set up on the trail before the track.
I expect the tech inspection will take ~30 seconds to a minute.
1. Checking all axle nuts for cotter pins. Split pins and slip pins work the best. Safety wire is acceptable - although not ideal. We'd rather not see bent over nails if at all possible.
2. Working brakes. I know, I know. "Brakes? You mean 1st gear?" Truthfully, I know you guys are extremely talented and don't need brakes. This rule is being put in place to protect the less skilled rider that crashes directly in front of you.
Kintore will be handling tech inspection duties. Quick check of your wheels and brakes, and a reminder of the 2018 race trike tether rule and you will be on your way.
I'm giving 8 months notice on this one so everyone has more than enough time to get your drums, discs, lines, and cables in order.