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Thread: n e arkansas riding at byrds

  1. #1
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    n e arkansas riding at byrds

    Ok im trying to find a nice new place to camp and ride and came across byrds adventure center in ozark which looks like a nice place and was wondering if anyone has been there and can tell me what type riding it is. Is it trike friendly and my wife will be riding the rhino and she wants easy trails and they allow night riding which will be great as we usally go to st joe but want to ride at night . thanks for any info

  2. #2
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    Byrd's is in a nice area. I haven't been on the trails in a long time there, but I remember them as mostly Jeep trails.

    It's right on the Mulberry River, which great for canoeing. It's really near Cass, Ozark is 20 miles or so south of there. You'll also be very close to the Mill Creek OHV area. http://www.riderplanet-usa.com/atv/t.../ride_8b75.htm

    I've never camped there, so I cannot comment on those services, but the whole area is nice, as far as the Ozarks go. You would also be only minutes from Oark General Store, which was opened in 1890. http://www.oarkgeneralstore.com/home.html

    It's a really popular place to eat and they have good food. The drive there is scenic and it really is a destination worth visiting. There's typically a crowd of motorcycle riders of all types there, as the ride there is that nice.

    Then there is Turner Bend just around the corner. http://turnerbend.com/ They have canoe rentals and cabins, sell fuel, beer, and other typical small store items. Be sure to buy a Pig Trail (Highway 23) sticker if you stop by.

    Another place to camp or lodge is Mulberry Mountain, which has trails that connect to Mill Creek. http://www.mulberrymountainlodge.com...do/atv-trails/ That is where the now defunct Wakarusa music festival used to be held. http://www.wakarusa.com/

    I used to live within minutes of those places and rode my trike all over the place. It's been a while since I have though. I mostly buzz through on dual sport bikes now, being street legal really opens up riding opportunities.
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  3. #3
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Thanks for the info id like to go there but its a long drive and want to make sure its worth the drive

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Van down by the river
    Act king, that is some great info. I will have to look into a trip that way in the future.
    R.I.P. John Swinehart
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  5. #5
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    Mill Creek is a fun place. I have been once last year but wanting to go back. It is only a couple hours from me.

  6. #6
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    NHey captian i

  7. #7
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Hey captian aand or steve im looking to go in the next 2 weeks either of you want to make the trip

  8. #8
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    i dont think i am going to go anywhere in the next few weeks. If i do it will probably be back to st joe. My buddy starts a 3 week vacation the 10th and wants to go.
    We may try the cliffs in astoria. Its not far.
    R.I.P. John Swinehart
    TRIKEFEST 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19
    Epic Mikfest 17
    86 200x
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    Fabiodriven- cereal goes in first, then milk.
    I’ve got an 8” Grip on a 10” turd... Kyle Kiser

  9. #9
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Cliffs in astoria where is that do they have csmping and whats the ruding like

  10. #10
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    For anyone planning a trip to northwest Arkansas and places like Mill Creek, Byrd's, and the general area, just let me know if you'd like to meet. I've been living in the area off and on for several years and know it fairly well, even if I haven't been on the trails in a while.

    I don't have a trike with me right now and they're all hardtails anyway, so I wouldn't be able to stay up with the sport trike riders, but I could tag along on my bike.
    The story of three wheels and a man...

  11. #11
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    We are going next weekend either to byrds or cloud 9 ranch ill let you know where we decide to ride

  12. #12
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Quote Originally Posted by ATC King View Post
    For anyone planning a trip to northwest Arkansas and places like Mill Creek, Byrd's, and the general area, just let me know if you'd like to meet. I've been living in the area off and on for several years and know it fairly well, even if I haven't been on the trails in a while.

    I don't have a trike with me right now and they're all hardtails anyway, so I wouldn't be able to stay up with the sport trike riders, but I could tag along on my bike.
    ok we just booked up the hillbilly hilton lol and grannys cabin and will be there fri the 12th thru sunday if your near come on out and ride and i usally bring an extrs trike just in case we break one so i may even had you a softtail to ride or anyone else that wants to join us at byrds adventure crnter

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Right on!

    I'll head that way Saturday morning.

    I'll PM you my contact info.
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  14. #14
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    jonolanracin, do you or any in your group like beer?

    I ask because I was going to bring something from one of the local breweries if you do.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thank you to all of your group for a fun time, and especially for the chance to ride your Tri-Z (which I shouldn't have done, because now I want one).

    The weather couldn't have been better, cool and no dust on the trails/gravel roads. If y'all ever come back, I'll get a camping spot and do some night riding, and probably use my Big Red for that.

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