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Thread: New York State Police "Click it or ticket" campaign

  1. #1
    tripledog's Avatar
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    New York State Police "Click it or ticket" campaign

    Got a seat belt ticket today. I think I can beat the charges, as I was on my motorcycle at the time.

  2. #2
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    Don't bet on it, they need the money.
    It sucks to get old

  3. #3
    jonolanracin is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    I love to ride around in my 56 chevy it didnt come with seatbelts so they cant give me a ticket lol

  4. #4
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    Everywhere cops are gauwking now to see if its on..yeah its on....my insurance stays the same price if i wear the belt or not. If we wear them shouldn't we get major discount? Can't my computerized vehicle tell them im wearing the belt? I guess if premiums went down the state and insurance companies would get less. I thought state made more money from belt tickets and ins. Co, less people damage in accidents? Uh, thats not fair, oh wait.....i see, its more attack and tax on American people's wages. Real weiner......them, they both can L$ckit or S$ickit.
    Last edited by fieldy; 06-04-2016 at 05:22 AM.

  5. #5
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    I wish driving and texting was a shoot on sight offence.
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  6. #6
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    ^LOL. And how many of your own family members would pay the price?

    *Typed while driving.

  7. #7
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    Zero. It's become a menace than drunk drivers.
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  8. #8
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    ^ You bet!!

    Around slower traffic I see about 50% of the vehicles coming towards me looking down at the phone or punching away; Cuz it's slower so it's AOK ya know??,
    All our government does is distract us while they steal from us, misspend our tax $ and ruin our country

  9. #9
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    Click it or ticket campaigns are based on safety. I proactively participate in them every year. I have seen more wrecks where the driver or passengers don't wear seat belts and they are drastically worse (minus drunk drivers, they defy the good person dying before their time law). Depending on state (here in Indiana) the citations cost $25 (BREAK THE BANK) and do not affect your insurance. These are a reminders to be safe but also give an underpaid police force an opportunity to work overtime, before or after their stressful shifts. The fees do not go to the officers or department. Seat belt laws have been in place for years and it should not be a surprise when they are suddenly enforced. Drive safe, obey the law, and don't worry when you are pulled over by someone who has more in common with you than you think.

    Tripledog no idea how you got a seat belt ticket. If you could give me more info I would be more than willing to figure out the reason.
    1982 Honda ATC 185s x2
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  10. #10
    tripledog's Avatar
    tripledog is offline I could be geriatricdog... at my age Got the holeshot
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    Original post was my poor sense of humor rearing its ugly head. Just trying to break some of the tension on this site as of late.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripledog View Post
    Original post was my poor sense of humor rearing its ugly head. Just trying to break some of the tension on this site as of late.
    Well you'd better buckle up buddy, cuz your threads about to go off the tracks
    Last edited by El Camexican; 06-05-2016 at 10:02 AM.
    It sucks to get old

  12. #12
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    Back to texting and driving (no one cares what your post was about trip dog ) I would say on a 60 minute drive through Monterrey I will avoid being in an accident that would not have been my fault at least 3 times on average and of those three times at least twice the other drivers will be staring intently at a phone scree as they swerve into my lane, or blow a stop sign.

    I started using a dash cam a couple years back so that I have a record of cause in the event of a wreck. The problem has become epic down here. On that one hour trip I mentioned I will see at least 2 if not more as I'm driving across town.
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  13. #13
    tripledog's Avatar
    tripledog is offline I could be geriatricdog... at my age Got the holeshot
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    I saw a news report where a teen aged girl said she texts while driving because "There's like nothing else to do while you are driving". Okay. How about CONCENTRATING on driving?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripledog View Post
    I saw a news report where a teen aged girl said she texts while driving because "There's like nothing else to do while you are driving". Okay. How about CONCENTRATING on driving?
    TEXTING: "What you do when dodging all the other texters on the road becomes boring and mundane"
    It sucks to get old

  15. #15
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    I may be wrong, but I recently heard that here in NY a seat belt ticket gets you 4 points on your license and costs a heck of alot more than the $25 the state of IN charges.

    Like helmet laws, the small government libertarian in me hates seat belt laws. It is absolutely good practice, common sense and does prevent the loss of life. And even in my libertarian utopia where no such laws exist I would still use both and I would require the same for my kids... I just don't like the authoritarian approach our governments like to take on matters such as this despite their "good intentions".

    BUT, at the end of the day, despite my disagreement with these laws based on the principle, these are the laws we have and unless they are adhered to, expect to pay the consequences if caught. If one DOES get caught, don't blame the trooper for doing his job.
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