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Thread: Tri-Z Shock Rebuild (including new seal head)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Tri-Z Shock Rebuild (including new seal head)

    As many of you Tri-Z owners know the rear shock is prone to leaking past the seal head, especially after 30 years. Unfortunately, the shock’s design forced many owners to conclude it is not fully rebuildable, i.e., you can’t replace the seal head, and therefore you have to replace it with a shock off a Warrior or an expensive aftermarket shock. Well, I found a way to fully rebuild the Tri-Z shock for 40 bucks, i.e., the cost of a new head seal for a Banshee, Warrior, Raptor (they all take the same seal). I used the All Balls seal kit and it looks like a quality product. You'll only need tools most of us shade-tree mechanics have around the house: a drill, grinding wheel, file, fine sand paper, 8mm tap, and red Locktite. The process is as follows (I’ve attached pictures showing all the major steps).

    1) Use the grinding wheel to grind down the button holding the shock valve on. I ground the diameter down from the sides (and not the top) so I could slip the valve off. Needless to say, you need to be careful with the grinder so as to not damage the valve.

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    2) Open up the rebound circuit (the pre-existing hole at the end of the shaft) with a drill so you can tap it with an 8mm tap (I used a 1.25 pitch thread). The needle valve that controls the rebound is located approximately 1 inch down the shaft. Be sure not to drill into it with the bit. You should have about ½ to ¾ inches of internal threads after this process.

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    3) File and sand the end of the shaft to where it is perfectly flat and a hair’s width shorter than the stack height of the valve. You want the bolt to bind the stack a bit when fully tightened.

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    4) Buy a hardened steel bolt (and small washer) that fully threads into the hole. You'll want it as long as possible for reasons of strength, but you also want the head to bottom out on the end of the shaft. This may take some cutting and filling to get it to the right length.

    5) Drill a small hole (I used a 3/32 bit) down the center of the bolt. I also drilled small V-shaped bevels on either end to help with the flow. This is your new rebound circuit. Don’t make the hole too big or you will compromise the strength of the head. I have already ridden my Z with the new shock and the 3/32 hole allows for all the adjustability of the OEM shock, with the caveat that you can dial in even more damping (good for tighter or harder spring settings) because of the smaller hole.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    6) The All Balls seal head comes with a rubber rebound damper installed on the bottom of the head, so you will not need to reinstall the OEM damper. I installed a washer the size of the damper on the shaft (between the valve head and the seal head) to prevent the damper from being damaged during rebound. With the bottom out bumper, seal head, and valve stack in place, thread the bolt (with a small washer) into the shaft and tightened. I used red Loctite to prevent it from coming loose.

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    7) Enjoy years of leak-free riding. Here's my Z.

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    Last edited by christph; 02-02-2015 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    What a great write-up. Should help quite a bit of Z owners, and it's inexpensive...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Las Vegas, NV.
    Yes, nice write up so far, but seems a bit incomplete. I know if I had a Tri-Z, and wanted to attempt this, I'd want to know what type & weight of oil to use, and the procedure for refilling the shock. And then there's the nitrogen charge too. Any tips on these items for the Z guys?
    Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Rider View Post
    Yes, nice write up so far, but seems a bit incomplete. I know if I had a Tri-Z, and wanted to attempt this, I'd want to know what type & weight of oil to use, and the procedure for refilling the shock. And then there's the nitrogen charge too. Any tips on these items for the Z guys?
    My intent was to show how to replace the seal head on the Tri-Z, not how to rebuild the entire shock. That procedure is pretty much the same for all rear shocks and can be found in repair manuals, youtube, etc.

    Regarding oil weight and nitrogen pressure, these are preferences. I'm a fast rider and weigh 220, so on this particular rebuild I used 10 wt oil. I considered going with 15 wt. but wasn't sure how restrictive the new rebound circuit would be. You can use a heavier oil if you want more damping resistance, which is good for heavier springs and higher preloads. The manual for the Z recommends a nitrogen pressure between 171 and 223 psi (stock is around 180). I went with 200 psi. The higher the psi the more bottoming resistance, which is good if you're doing a lot of jumping. The trade off is a harsher ride over the small stuff because the gas offers greater resistance to compression. Finally, I set my spring length (preload) at 9 inches for the initial ride, but I may shorten it to 8 3/4 (the manual puts the limit at 8.6).

    Again, a lot of these settings are a function of rider weight, riding style, and preference. Setting up a shock involves a lot of experimentation. There's no getting around it.
    Last edited by christph; 01-30-2015 at 03:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Las Vegas, NV.
    Gotcha. I've never attempted a rear shock rebuild, just conventional & cartridge forks, so this is new to me, but interesting.
    Red Rider's Sand Machine Updated 07/23/14

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ab Canada
    Good stuff to know, I did mine a few years back but just the seal head, Being able to change the valving and damper is a big Plus!
    1985 Tri-Z-

    Quote Originally Posted by mywifeknowseverything
    Just hit the Freakin Gas and Hold on!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Couldn't help but notice your vise jaws, very nice!
    It sucks to get old

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Favorited! Need to rebuild 2 right now.
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  9. #9
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    You certainly are no longer "at the back of the back" awesome share!!
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    These threads my be of interest to anyone like the op, who are planning on rebuilding their own tri-z rear shock.http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...t=frankenshock

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