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Thread: 350X NEW Valve Group Buy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Cincinnati Ohio

    350X NEW Valve Group Buy?

    CT is considering having Kibblewhite do a production run on ATC350X valves. Their goal is to get the price in line with OE valves. As you probebly know, Honda is no longer making the intake valves for the 350X.

    Since this is a custom run, Kibblewhite charges a setup fee. If there are 10 or 12 of us that want new valves and we do a group buy, we can get them for around the price of stock. The more of us that buy a set, the less they will cost.

    There is the possibility of getting standard size, or +1 oversize valves. Oversize valves will really only benefit those of us with built motors. Oversize valves will require some piston and valve seat modification.

    If you are interested in valves, Please post below and specify if you would want standard or oversize? I don't think we can split the purchases between two sizes, so which ever one has the damned will be the run that's made. If it looks like there is sufficient interst, i guess we have to pool to make a purchase, or however how you guys do it when you order plastic or 10in front wheels.


  2. #2
    C.J is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Well,,, it really all comes down to how much it'll cost at the end. But I wouldn't mind a set of valves to set aside for just in case.

    Stock size
    too many bikes to count. too little time on hand.

  3. #3
    oile's Avatar
    oile is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    I would be interested in a set of standard valves

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Blossvale NY
    I have a few questions:

    1) Is a set of valves defined as a pair of intake valves only, or does the set include the 2 exhaust valves as well?

    2) Is there an approximate time frame?

    3) I haven't priced OE valves for a 350x. What's the ballpark on this?

    I may be interested in stock size once I know more.

    '85 ATC 350R
    '85 ATC 250R
    '86 ATC 350X
    '85 ATC 350X
    '84 ATC 200ES Big Red
    '84 ATC 125M
    '85 ATC 110
    '85 ATC 70/110

    If you have bought from me or sold to me, please leave me feedback here>>> http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...+RIDE-RED+250r

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Suring Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by RIDE-RED 250r View Post
    I have a few questions:

    1) Is a set of valves defined as a pair of intake valves only, or does the set include the 2 exhaust valves as well?

    2) Is there an approximate time frame?

    3) I haven't priced OE valves for a 350x. What's the ballpark on this?

    I may be interested in stock size once I know more.

    I would also maybe be up for a set or 2 once these ?? are answered.
    Rebuilding and riding trikes everyday and lovin every minute.


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