So I'm a service manual junkie. I've got it printed out and I'm constantly looking through it reading up on stuff. Trips to the bathroom are accompanied by the manual (I know, I know, TMI). I like to do everything by the book.
I'm in the middle of a complete 350x motor rebuild. I've got the motor stripped down and am reading through Chapter 10 on the crank and transmission.
Page 10-11 actual says: "Always replace the left bearing with a new one whenever the crankshaft is removed from the left crankcase".
The left bearing on mine stayed on the crankshaft and required some small taps from a deadblowon the crank to get the bearing out of the crankcase. I get it, The act of pulling the bearing out may cause notchiness in it, but really? This bearing is massive, and I didn't have to hit it that hard. The bearing feels just as smooth as the right bearing, and any other bearing from the motor.
Do you think they are being overly cautious in the manual? Am I being overly cheap to not just replace the bearing (it's 50 friggin dollars)?
Any real world advice regarding this bearing and an assessment of the manual's advice would be appreciated.