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Thread: ATC500R "Build Thread"

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Lmao man you crack me up. I'm giving her another shot at it. And ya, too many things at once is an understatement have you seen this freaking thread hahahahahah i will try the pwk after we fix the tranny and see how it goes. I don't know but I feel like the earlier cr5 bikes had less sensible gear ratios.... Anyways, I'm sure things will be more clear after I have had the chance to actually ride the damned thing
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  2. #227
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by roostin atc View Post
    I've seen it. But I'm not in the 500 club yet.
    Gimmie that F'in frame and ill twist ya up a new cradle!

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Alright so some of you have contacted me after seeing a listing on EBAY for this motor. I did list it out of frustration with everything in a futile attempt to jump ship. I ended the auction this morning. Eric and I pulled the motor yesterday and split the cases, turns out there are TWO thrust washers MIA which explains the lock ups. The washer we had left out was a crutch to make the tranny work without the correect thrust washers in there. We somehow overlooked the missing two when re-assembling and the result was that the tranny randomly locked up in first gear but no others. Ordering the correct thrust washers today along with new center case gasket and some other odds n ends. Hoping to have the parts in hand and the motor back in the bike and running this weekend! I feel like my interest in making this project run again is restored, I was pretty down about everything after it became obvious she needed to be torn apart.

    SmartCarb; someone noticed my new fancy smartcarb was dumping gas all over my engine from out of the mouth of the carb when at Little Sahara and working on the bike. I had left the petcock in the 'on' position and it decided to fill my engine. I was unaware that was what had happened at that point, didnt realize it until we tore the bike apart yesterday. The bike didnt run from that point on. Expansion chamber was FULL of fuel, same for the bottom end when we pulled the cylinder off. I emailed Liz at APT for some feedback on this, but i sure as dont want to have to turn the petcock off everytime i stop the motor for a break or for the day. thats dumb, dont have to do that with my PWK's, shouldnt have to do it with this.

    In the process of putting funds togethre to purchase that sweet 86 350X off of MASTER CLEAN in Cali. too excited to get all my bikes back up and running and ad new ones to the stable Planning to throw the new 72mm rings on the 310 and get it going this week too. Happy about all my bikes right now
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  4. #229
    Outlaw #24's Avatar
    Outlaw #24 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Does that Mean you are in for a return trip to Little Sahara? I was also Taken back by my engine woes at little Sahara. Had My heart set on running a Built engine and had to settle for the worn out stocker! I will try again? Glad You 2 figured it out? That Carb is so Smart it doesn't Know when the engine is shut off! LOL

  5. #230
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Glad to hear this Jason.Now get wrenching!

  6. #231
    Join Date
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    Yuma, Az
    Feel you on the gearing. I hardly made it out of 2nd the whole trip on the KXT500.. I'm really high with a 15/37 right now. Just ordered a couple different fronts and a bigger rear.. It was a bad weekend for break downs.. All you can so is park them in the garage, vent a little, order some parts, and get back after it..
    Liquid R's and 70's

  7. #232
    Join Date
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    Leander TX
    Quote Originally Posted by doord521 View Post
    ... It was a bad weekend for break downs ...
    No kidding - VERY impressive the amount and success of repairs made all around the campground!

    What a great group of folks to spend the weekend with in the dunes!!

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ya it was a blast! I really enjoyed the trip despite the failure of both my bikes.

    I wish I could come back for rampage!! I have a trip planned to tx the weekend rampage happens or I would be there!

    Tonight I honed the 310 back down and installed new 72 mm rings. Put it all back together and it's got some solid compression again. I sucked sand and it burned the old rings down on the exhaust port enough to kill compression at the little Sahara ride week before last. It was a fun ride back to cowboy camp that thursday night that I discovered my bike had no compression; still had to limp back from south camp and it kept trying to stall from lack of compression. Nothing like panicked 2am ride through the dunes on a machine that was done with me being on it lol
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  9. #234
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by JasonB View Post
    Ya it was a blast! I really enjoyed the trip despite the failure of both my bikes.

    I wish I could come back for rampage!! I have a trip planned to tx the weekend rampage happens or I would be there!

    Tonight I honed the 310 back down and installed new 72 mm rings. Put it all back together and it's got some solid compression again. I sucked sand and it burned the old rings down on the exhaust port enough to kill compression at the little Sahara ride week before last. It was a fun ride back to cowboy camp that thursday night that I discovered my bike had no compression; still had to limp back from south camp and it kept trying to stall from lack of compression. Nothing like panicked 2am ride through the dunes on a machine that was done with me being on it lol

    What part of texas are you going to?

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Carrollton in Dallas. Rach is from there. What part are you in?
    Last edited by JasonB; 04-08-2014 at 09:31 AM. Reason: Was confused
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  11. #236
    Join Date
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    United States
    i'm in west texas, near lubbock

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ok so how about some updates. Had a bad wreck yesterday on the bike and broke my ankle in 3 places. Spent the night and today in the hospital and had to be pulled out of st joe park by boat. They would have flown me to stl for medical attention but the winds were too bad. Rough day but the bike performed amazing up until the rear brakes failed and wrecked bad. Here's some shots of how she sat as of Saturday before the ride

    New 18" fast Trekkers and 8x8 Wheels.

    Assembled and ready to ride at joe. We split the cases and installed some new thrust washers to resolve the shifting problems we had at little Sahara.

    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  13. #238
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Nicholson, Pennsylvania, United States
    Man the trike looks good.Sounds like it runs good too.Carb?Sorry to hear about the crash.You sure that trike isn't possessed?

  14. #239
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Loaded and headed for st joe yesterday morning with Kevin Dazey.


    I had fixed a leaking master cylinder to reservoir line Saturday and didn't think to top off the ressy. End result was I lost brake pressure suddenly on a steep down hill and smoked a tree to avoid hitting Kevin. It was a blur and I was in some serious pain. My gopro caught the video we are putting it online tonight. Pretty horrifying to watch the event. The orthopedic surgeon put a plate and several screws in my ankle to fix the 3 broken places. It freaking hurts, just got back from the hospital. Here's my foot peg it's a 450r foot peg with a Jason Hall adapter plate. The thick plate bent and the peg is trashed. My Flexx bars bent backwards but dont appear to have been Damaged. Clutch perch is toast but otherwise looking it over the bike is ok
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  15. #240
    ctk is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Nov 2007
    You need an exo cage.

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