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Thread: ATC500R "Build Thread"

  1. #256
    Join Date
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    Oshawa, On, Canada
    Holy crap! Sorry to hear about this Jason. Hopefully everything heals back up 100 % so you can get back on that beast. I don't like the feeling of riding boots, but I sure do like the safety.

    Did your ankle end up between the tree and your trike? Or how did the break happen?
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  2. #257
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    My bikes all have functional front and rear brakes, I don't mess around with that aspect of my safety. The cr125 front brakes I have stopped working an hour before the accident, I even made a remark in the third video I shot about how they went out. I still had rear brakes and was just taking it easy for the last trip down the trails before we left to head home. This was the 500's first real shake down ride since the complete rebuild. I really feel like the bike held up very well aside from the front and rear brakes going out. If you watch the video leading up to the incident you can even see the brakes worked fine until right when I wrecked. Riding without brakes is freaking suicide!

    Otherwise I can't stop thinking about how great this bike held up, it's a tractor! I love the auto clutch and supreme low end torque. It's just awesome!
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Mielke View Post
    Everyone keeps talking about safety gear which is important but I keep thinking back AND front brakes. #1 important systems on any bike front and back brakes. I've read and talked to and eve seen so many people, at Trikefest even who are riding machines without brakes. Worst idea ever.
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  3. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason125m View Post
    Holy crap! Sorry to hear about this Jason. Hopefully everything heals back up 100 % so you can get back on that beast. I don't like the feeling of riding boots, but I sure do like the safety.

    Did your ankle end up between the tree and your trike? Or how did the break happen?
    Honestly I thought my ankle ended up under the foot peg and a rock but it all happened so fast it's hard to know. Either the rear right wheel/tire smashed it against the tree or the peg smashed it against the tree. It was a compound fracture as they called it, so there were several spots where bone went through the skin. There was enough blood on the ground right after the wreck to send me into a panic.
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  4. #259
    C.J is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    Looks like it was peg/ankle/tree that got you. Glad the docs got you all fixed up. Next time make sure your helmet is actually STRAPPED ON though man! You could have ended up a helluva lot worse what with that brain bucket flying off. Hope you get to moving around soon though bro. At least you can spend some time on rebuilding the brakes now though
    too many bikes to count. too little time on hand.

  5. #260
    KASEY's Avatar
    KASEY is offline weee weeee weeeeeeeeeee ! ! ! The day begins with 3WW
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    I guess your lucky a rock didn't bash your head in since I saw your helmet fly off too,,,, people need to dress to crash not dress to cruise ,,, lucky you are,,,,,

  6. #261
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    Watched the video on FB yesterday on my phone (shiver). Looks even worse when watching on the "big screen" of the computer. Scarey stuff right there, glad your ok and wishing you a speedy recovery.
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  7. #262
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    Get well soon Jason!!!

    Guys: Read the instructions on your brake fluid cans and manuals, its a change once per year item.

  8. #263
    Join Date
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    holy cow that happened FAST

    glad you`re relatively ok Jason

  9. #264
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    thanks for the comments guys. It could have been much worse for sure, and yes MX boots and having my helmet strapped would have both been good things. I have MX boots I will be wearing every trip out from now on, and i have never had a helmet come off despite several other hard wrecks involving bone breaks. Regardless, live and learn im just happy to still be here!

    My rear brakes failed me and it was avoidable, my reservoir was leaking at the line where it met the master cylinder and i fixed it but didnt top the fluid off because it appeared there was plenty left in there. Rear brakes worked perfect all day and out of no where i lost pressure and there was air in the lines. I mashed the rear brake lever and there was nothing there, i panicked and grabbed the handle bars hard and accidentally hit the extended thumb throttle lever and accelerated into the tree. i was not impaired or riding outside my abilities, it was an accident and i hope by watching the video you can see just how fast things can go wrong.

    The bike performed amazing sunday. Below is a video of me enjoying it earlier in the day before the wreck. Some observations of mine; the new fresh motor ran amazing. I didnt go flat out WOT for long periods because its still a new motor and this was the first set of rides since heat cycles. The motor has insane low end torque and top end power, im in love with it! The Rekluse auto clutch works amazing, i can come to a compete stop in any gear and not stall the motor. i need to adjust the idle engagement point a little more but overall it works flawless. The Flexx bars are awesome! the felt great and really cut vibrations, i plan to swap out to try the other bushing sets and see if they make it any softer.

    Ok enough rambling, ask any questions you guys might have. This bike is perfect in my eyes and i could not be happier with how it runs

    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  10. #265
    ONEBAD350X's Avatar
    ONEBAD350X is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    how long ago did that happen? Are you healed up now? Your 500R sounds nice!! That clutch seems to work awesome too!
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  11. #266
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    I wrecked this last Sunday, and i had orthopedic surgery to put my ankle back together 5 hours later. Unfortunately it all just happened! Thanks for the compliments, i couldnt be happier with the clutch. you just click it into gear no matter if youre already moving or using the clutch lever. Its just great, no worry about feathering the clutch to take off, you just give it gas when you want to start or stop moving. Such a cool part! The CR500's have a really tough clutch pull, my hand used to get worn out real fast and i had a new clutch cable too. Now its just awesome, come to a full stop in any gear without stalling the motor. used to be so much work to ride and enjoy this bike and now its got great power and is impossible to stall out!
    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  12. #267
    ONEBAD350X's Avatar
    ONEBAD350X is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonB View Post
    I wrecked this last Sunday, and i had orthopedic surgery to put my ankle back together 5 hours later. Unfortunately it all just happened! Thanks for the compliments, i couldnt be happier with the clutch. you just click it into gear no matter if youre already moving or using the clutch lever. Its just great, no worry about feathering the clutch to take off, you just give it gas when you want to start or stop moving. Such a cool part! The CR500's have a really tough clutch pull, my hand used to get worn out real fast and i had a new clutch cable too. Now its just awesome, come to a full stop in any gear without stalling the motor. used to be so much work to ride and enjoy this bike and now its got great power and is impossible to stall out!
    oh man so you have some recovery time yet that sucks. take care buddy!
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  13. #268
    Dave8338's Avatar
    Dave8338 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    WOW, Jason ! That could have been much worse. Glad to see that you are in reasonable spirits and that the trike made it out with just a little worse for wear.

    Heal soon and take care.

    Did someone mention Boxers? We have a Boxer/Black Lab "oops" and couldn't ask for a better dog.
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  14. #269
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    Thanks man, and ya it could have been much worse! We have a 6 year old brindle Boxer named Dexter and a 6 year old Lab named Maxie. They are both sh!t disturbers lol . We are a boxer family, my brother Eric and his wife Taylor have two fawn female boxers at home too. Boxers are freaking kick ass dogs!

    TrikeFest 07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14 SandPuppie's Ride 07,08,09 Imperial Invasion 09, 13

  15. #270
    Join Date
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    This is how I got so jacked up!!

    The front brake, for me anyhow, is used as much or more thanthe rear. TecateDan said when he rode my trike back after I slammed poor Rippa, that I had no front brake. I had the master off a couple days earlier trying to match up a lever.

    I must not have bled it enough and it got me good!

    Glad to hear your alright bud. Be careful with these animals, no Hugh Hefner slippa wearin and looking like Popeye

    Heal up buddy. When your 40 this will feel awesome!!; Trust me on that
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