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Thread: "Honda 200X ATC rear fender plastic"-$80

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Agatha, ON, Canada

    "Honda 200X ATC rear fender plastic"-$80

    Maier rear fender for a Honda 200X ATC In good condition. No cracks. Comes with seat but needs recovering

    This ad was posted with the Kijiji mobile app.
    1983 Honda ATC 200e: my first true Man Toy!-Sold for $200 on Victoria Day
    Ice & Trikes 4 Life!
    If Nissan Motorsports = Nismo, does Honda Motorsports = Homo ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    thats a good deal if shipping is'nt outrageous....
    our original 85 we bought new, 2 - 86 police specials
    250r dust runner
    04 Yamaha kodiaK 450 snowbuster ! Brute Force 750 dust collector .
    Bunch of es stuff I been buying for next builds....
    Gone but lives on in my aching body the mighty 350x collection . A Beat 85 es im gonna rebuild

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