They sold for about $550 new, its a decent gen, or chingen as we like to call them here. Last year after a tornado about wiped us out these things were rattling everywhere for a few days and the local stores sold out of them.
If you plan on keep it, treat the fuel with some Stabil and run it for about 15 mins every month to keep it in shape. I have a Coleman 6500w that i put full synthetic oil in and keep the fuel fresh by draining the tank in the spring and the fall, along with monthly runs to burn out any moisture and keep the gen head in good order. A couple used junkyard baseboard heaters work great for a test load, but i can also switch the house to it as well.
1984 Honda ATC200ES "Big Red"
1982 ATC200E "Hondie"
1988 TRX300FW "Project Quad" Still in progress....