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Thread: Headlight Grommet 200 e/es/m

  1. #1
    Billy Golightly's Avatar
    Billy Golightly is offline Always finding new and exciting ways to not give a hoot in hell Catch me if you can
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    Live Oak, FL
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    Post Headlight Grommet 200 e/es/m

    Here is an excellent reproduction of the headlight grommet for the 200e 200es and 200m.trailpro Will also fit other models that have the large-style headlight buckets.trailpro Tired of looking at that hole on back of your headlight with all the wires coming out...this is what is suppose to go there and hide the mess!trailpro Free shipping.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    HOLY!!! I have been trying to find one of these used or otherwise FOREVER....

    I gotta get one bought ASAP.


    Edit: Ordered!! The last small part that has been bugging me on my 84 200ES.
    Last edited by kb0nly; 06-02-2012 at 10:12 PM.
    1984 Honda ATC200ES "Big Red"
    1982 ATC200E "Hondie"
    1988 TRX300FW "Project Quad" Still in progress....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Back in VA baby!!
    Hope you like it...I have been trying to find a nice one for years...and when I did, I made a mold of it and started reproducing them...these came out better than the original!! You'll be very pleased...I'll get it shipped out first thing Monday - thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Awesome! Glad someone finally reproduced these. You should sell them on eBay, just an FYI. The last NOS original i saw on ebay ended around $40 for it. I think a repro for $20 is more than fair pricing!
    1984 Honda ATC200ES "Big Red"
    1982 ATC200E "Hondie"
    1988 TRX300FW "Project Quad" Still in progress....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Got mine today.. FamDamnTastic!!

    Finally someone made a hard to find part, impossible really, unless you find a decent used one your SOL. Get one of these if you need one!
    1984 Honda ATC200ES "Big Red"
    1982 ATC200E "Hondie"
    1988 TRX300FW "Project Quad" Still in progress....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    I have a 83 honda 200e and 84es was wondering if anyone knows where I can get the headlight grommet to hide the wires need 2 if its even possible to still get them

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    Edmonton Alberta Canada
    Greetings to all, I just joined this site, and I realize this is a old thread, but I'm wondering if these grommets are still being reproduced, and how do I get my hands on one ? Lol, cheers ! Dan

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2023
    North of the 49th
    I'm wondering if these grommets are still being reproduced, and how do I get my hands on one ?

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