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Thread: What's it worth? 86 350x

  1. #1
    cwc is offline New to the board Arm chair racerNew to the board
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    What's it worth? 86 350x

    I walked into a shop yesterday and way in the back they had a 86 Honda 350x. It is the shop owners brothers trike and they parked it about 6 years ago. Said it was running then but pulled it into the shop to do a top end rebuild and it just never happened. It's dusty as can be but all there. It has aftermarket white plastics with no cracks, the tank has one dime size dent but inside does not look bad. The shocks seem good all the way around. Its NOT locked up. Rear tires were wooley buggars in good shape, the front was stock but flat. They are the orginal owner and sayed the moter was all stock. I asked how much and he said $1000. I offered $500 and he came back with $750. I passed for the momment to think about it. I'm guessing a top end rebuild, carb rebuild and tank clean out will get it going again along with a half day cleaning up should make it look presentable. So I think for $500 parts pluss the purchace price I could have a decent 350x.

    My question is: With what I wrote above (all I know about the trike) is it worth the $750?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would say heck ya. GET IT
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    750$ sounds like a deal to me!!!
    1986 Honda 350X
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Somewhere closer to your # would be better,,but how many 86 350X's do you have to shop from?? They are getting very hard to find.
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    I am turning my PM's Off,my Email is billsracing@hotmail.com,put 3WW in the subject. Thanx!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yes, go today and put money down on it atleast. around me I can not find a 350x yet alone an 86 for under $1500 and they are in much worce shape.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Leander TX
    $750 sounds like a good deal and could be great
    - how's the bearings? $125
    - how's the brakes? $100-$200
    - how's the chain/sprockets? $100
    - how bad can the top end really be? Might be worth pulling the oil filter to see if it's installed correctly...
    - seat not torn and plastics in good shape saves you $300
    - useable tank saves you $200
    - useable tires saves you $200

  7. #7
    gus's Avatar
    gus is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
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    I thought the 85 are more (how can I say demanding??) I have an 85 350x I sold my 86 thinking 86 were a dime a dozen?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    And here I am getting all excited over finding a 200X for $700. I can't find a 350X with in a days drive worth having period, you should feel lucky you found one, let alone for that price/condition.
    1984 Honda 200X
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    go back at him with $600. You might be able to get it for even less than $750, which as already stated is a smokin' deal.
    my feedback thread http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...-hoosierlogger

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    Quote Originally Posted by fabiodriven View Post
    Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.
    You might be strong as an ox, but without a cart you are just a big dumb animal.

  10. #10
    chrisand4's Avatar
    chrisand4 is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Man...all of the good trike deals on the east coast are in GA

    Ohh, and I hope you don't mind me using your pic in my signature, it was nice meeting you the other day. I love the SX.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Offer $600. But I would get it no matter what. They are getting harder to find.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Horrible deal. Forward me the contact number to it, please!
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  13. #13
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