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Thread: Project 86 Tri-Z: A day at a time. UPDATED WITH PICS

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Spring, Texas
    Good progress!! Looking good! I absolutely love the foot peg!! Is that thing custom?! Where can I get one?! Sorry, I had too. just having some fun!

    85' 350x (newest addition)
    85' Tecate (Still dealing with electircal Issues!)
    85' Tri-Z (On the back burner)
    85' 200x (SOLD)

    Leave me Feedback: http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthr...ack+for+ama009

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    Actually as much as I hate to part with it, that foot peg could be yours. It was actually an old race foot peg, see how aero dynamic that bent semi-round rod is?

    Seriously though I have got foot pegs, a new seat, and a twist throttle all on the way. Can't wait to fire this thing up and take it for a spin.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    Got some free time and started wet sanding the fenders. Amazing they were black with lichen but actually look pretty good. Got some more sanding to do but this thing is going to look great once I get it back together. I was shocked all of plastic was all cracked and busted.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    UP of MI
    Cool thread. I'm from the UP probably not far from you. I just picked up a good running tri-z from downstate of CraigsList for 350.00 a couple weeks ago. Good luck with your build.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    Nice score man. Where in the UP? I'm jealous you got the gold rims. That looks real original, even has the sprocket cover and exhaust shield.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I heard the gold rims were standard and the silver's were more rare... is that true?
    Gunter glieben glauchen globen

    The Good:
    1985 1/2 Tri-Z - Daily Rider - Pretty much stock ( wink )
    1985 1/2 Tri-Z - Custom Black & Gold, Top mount plastic tank, custom 3D printed airbox, Banshee shock
    1985 Tri-Z - Rider restore in process

    The Bad:
    1988 TRX250R with 86 ATC 250R Motor and Swinger - Screamer!

    The Ugly:
    1993-ish Banshee / 2003 Motor by VSR in Belding, MI - Duner Fun!!
    2000-ish Banshee / Motor by RDZ Racing in Fowlerville, MI - Another Duner!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    They might be but mine came with grey steel wheels on the back. Looked at some pictures of the 1985 and its rims were gold too. Guess it shouldn't be too hard to find a set for mine.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    UP of MI
    I'm in Gladstone, in the process right now of tearing down and going to go through and powdercoat everything. Have it ready ready for summer.

    86 Tri-Z (currently redoing)
    94 Banshee 4 mil dune port
    00 Banshee
    02 Blaster
    1978 YZ400

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    Man now I am even more jealous, I swear I would kill for a garage about now. Going to have mine ready for spring too. But I'm gonna have to fight a lot more snow.

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