Hi! I had my 13th Birthday 2 weeks ago, and that's when I got my first trike. It is a 1984 Yamaha Tri Moto 200. It needs many parts, and when I first rode it, I was hooked. It ain't pretty, but I like it. Here's the only pic I have right now. This is one my mom took when it died on me. I'm small for my age, so pull starting was not fun!
My Grandpa said it was pieced together from 3-4 other trikes, so it's missing a lot of things. It's got the ATV tires on now, but I'm going to switch to the balloon tires.
I grew up around cars, and then I kinda strayed away more into guitars. But thanks to this ol' thing, I have a reason to spend my birthday money. If anyone can reccomend me some sites for info or parts on this thing, that would be great. But for now, Keep Trikin'!