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Thread: 2004 TRX250EX conversion - w/ vid

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    100mi west of Chicago
    Nice work. This was the second one you did right? The last one was red??


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Titusville, FL.
    How much? Looks like it needs taller handlebars.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Tionesta, PA
    $2000 - it is getting taller handlebars - they will be in and installed tonight!

    This is actually our 3rd conversion - 1st was a 450R - then an 06 250EX - black and red - now this one. All 3 can be seen here:


    Quote Originally Posted by OZQUAD44 View Post
    Unbelievable, nice work boys.

    Next quest to ask is this, is it worth more as a three wheeler?
    Wouldn't it have to be?????? Cost of quad + labor + trike parts and last but not least - COOLNESS FACTOR!

    BTW - this trike comes with a PA title.
    Last edited by atctim; 02-23-2010 at 12:02 PM.
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Titusville, FL.
    thats awsome! $2000 is a good deal I think! Ever thought about turning a bigger 2x4 into a trike, like a Honda Foreman, Rancher, or something like that?
    Last edited by Mondexbrute; 02-23-2010 at 05:03 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Tionesta, PA
    Mondexbrute - I have given some thought to doing a bigger machine - but trying to turn a 4X4 into a 3X3 is futile! Many have talked about it and lots of ideas have been kicked around, but it has never been done. I've heard all ideas from a string of drive shafts - to a Rokon style motorcycle drive train to a 2nd motor on the front rack. My opinion is that it would be too much trouble than what it is worth. The only feasible way to do it in my eyes would be to run a hydraulic pump off the front drive shaft to a remote hydraulic motor that powers the front wheel. But then speed control would be the factor.

    I personally want to turn the Honda 420 Rancher into my own personal trail 3 wheeler. It is the larger utility quad Honda makes in a 2WD. Someday I will make this happen!
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  6. #21
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    Oh I was reffering to a larger cc 2wd Like the 420 Rancher you mentioned! Check out my build " Big Camo 250es Project" , I guess its the next best thing for riding down south in the swamps!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manheim, PA
    Looks pretty cool, is it just me or do the bars look super low?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States
    what is the overall length of the machine? it looks loooooong... and narrow... well I know the rears are narrow and some spacers and offset wheels can cure that but compared to a 200x or 250r what are the overall wheelbase differences?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Titusville, FL.
    How does it ride? If you can you should post a video clip!

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Tionesta, PA
    I will post up video tomorrow if it is not raining out.

    Syko: I think the looks may be deceiving.

    2004 250EX conversion - wheelbase = 51 1/2" and it is 45 " wide.

    Compare this to other machines.

    1985 200X - wheelbase = 47.6" and 41.3" wide

    1985 250R - wheelbase = 51" and 44"

    1985 350X - wheelbase = 50" and 43.9" wide.

    So by comparison dimensionally - it is most like a 3rd gen ATC250R being just 1/2" longer wheelbase and a full 1" wider.
    Some based on a comparison - it really is not that long compared to it's width. I will get some pics of it tomorow along with some other trikes as a comparison.
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Elizabethtown PA
    Atc tim it looks good. Makes me tempted to have you do the 92 250x i have + i have a extra 350x front end sitting around

    By the way if you are going to do any more of them i have tons of 83-85 200x front end parts sitting around.

    Tim my buddy has a 2wd rancher he is trying to sell. he got it at a bank repo auction online. he bought it by mistake he thought it was a 4x4 he bought 3 ranchers total. I'll ask what he wants.

    how much for the front wheels from the quad? The ones on "rex" are getting really beat up the one looks square on the outside.
    Last edited by jason85atc250r; 02-23-2010 at 09:53 PM.

    1985 atc 250r ---- finsh line axle,.fmf exhaust and rictor privateer silencer, prm grab bar.
    2008 KTM 525xc quad ----- HMF exhaust, HRE chromoly stem,
    86 trx 250r --- with after market chromoly frame and everything else done to it
    01 400ex --- with 86 trx 250r motor
    87 250x + 93 300ex both 350x powered
    2 = 86 atc 350x's
    86 atc 250r
    83 atc 185s --- from retired guy not ridden since 87
    Bandito framed 110 with 85 motor and yellow us90 fenders + tank

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Tionesta, PA
    Jason - sounds cool. I'll keep that in mind about the parts, and I appreciate it. Jake and I have thought about doing a 250X or 300EX. Let us know if you are serious about it.
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Elizabethtown PA
    i'll let you know about it depending what i decide. The 250x/300ex front suspension sucks for a person thats 250+ my 350x rides way better.

    1985 atc 250r ---- finsh line axle,.fmf exhaust and rictor privateer silencer, prm grab bar.
    2008 KTM 525xc quad ----- HMF exhaust, HRE chromoly stem,
    86 trx 250r --- with after market chromoly frame and everything else done to it
    01 400ex --- with 86 trx 250r motor
    87 250x + 93 300ex both 350x powered
    2 = 86 atc 350x's
    86 atc 250r
    83 atc 185s --- from retired guy not ridden since 87
    Bandito framed 110 with 85 motor and yellow us90 fenders + tank

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States
    well I guess it is deceiving then for some reason it just looks realllllly loooonnngggg and narrow... oh well no biggie! I like it though!

  15. #30
    audioworks04's Avatar
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    There is a company out there that makes conversion kits to make dirtbikes all wheel drive, so it would be possible to make a 3x3, but probably not feasible. They do this with a chain drive off the counter sprocket, up to the frame, then another set of sprocket to make it follow the frame then somehow changes to a set of telescoping drive-shafts down the forks, or something to that effect.

    2005 CRF450R Alum Frame build done, switching to inverts.
    86 trx250r fmf fatty fmf q k&n v force reeds gold valve rear shock with eibach spring.
    86 atc250r stock sand only
    88 NX250 mint rainy day
    85 kawi js550 stand up basicly stock
    87 kawi js550 scary fast for a stand up

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