Hey guys, just got an 83 200e... Chains popping off and has an oil leak... Heres the first question...
1.) What is the bolt that i circled in this picture (taken from bobbyg)? It is missing on my machine, just want to make sure its not a drain plug or something....
2.) The oil leak appears to be coming from the same spot as this picture almost but not as bad of a leak, it only sloooowly drips when off and a steadier drip when running.... Think its a seal, i don't see any cracks from the chain anywhere....
3.) Is the hose that runs directly out of the bottom of my carb just a drain hose? because there is gas coming out of it when ever the tank is switched to the "on" position and stops when switched to the "off" position...
Sorry about all the questions, just wanted to ask a few before i go out and pull the recoil and sub tranny and see what i can find on this oil leak... THANKS GUYS IN ADVANCE!!!!!