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Which stator to buy?

  1. HO Cummins
    HO Cummins
    I'm in need of a new stator (or at least coils). I'm too cheap right now to pony up for a PVL system...so would you go with a Ricky's or Moose?
  2. Xpress
    Ricky all the way over anything. The customer support behind the products alone is enough to keep me going to them for all of my stator needs.
  3. T3 A2 RIDER
    T3 A2 RIDER
    just a fyi you can't run a head light with a PVL system. And if you dont have much money you can just buy the stator windings I think they were around 40 bucks. I bought the 85 watt coil i think it was around 160 but its the whole stator assessembley. mount, plug, windings and all. i also asked if they could run a extra wire so I could run a battery for my hid light. so now there are tw0 yellow wires. oh ya and if you want to run a battery you need to put a a rectifier on there to turn ac to dc to charge the batt. if you were wondering a h4 hid light will fit in the stock lighting housing but it is a tight fit.
  4. HO Cummins
    HO Cummins
    Thanks a ton guys! I like supporting the people that go the extra mile. Ricks it is!
Results 1 to 4 of 4
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